Crazy for the Cowboy by Vicki Lewis Thompson

91elN13CFnL._SL1500_Title:  Crazy for the Cowboy

Series:  Sexy Texans Book #1

Author:  Vicki Lewis Thompson

Genre:  Romance

Blurb:   When Vince Durant left Bickford, Texas, he was a rowdy cowboy just looking for a good time. He also left unfinished business. He hadn’t captured the Ghost, a wild stallion that roams the hills, and he never convinced Georgina Bickford to go out with him. Georgie might be a lost cause, but the Ghost has been calling his name ever since….

When Vince returns to Bickford, he finds his old stomping ground a shell of what it used to be, and Georgie still wants nothing to do with him. To her, he’ll always be the womanizing cowboy she knew seven years ago.

And when Vince comes up with a plan that might restore Bickford to its former glory, Georgie wonders if the rough-and-tough cowboy has truly changed. As they get closer, Georgie will have to decide whether to resist Vince’s charm or to attempt to tame the wild stallion who’s stolen her heart.

Thoughts:  When it comes to Crazy for the Cowboy, I liked it but I didn’t love it. I can’t exactly explain why – it had a good storyline, good characters, etc. The author is an amazing one that happens to be on my ‘favorite authors’ list. I just didn’t feel the draw to this book or feel compelled to read it. I had trouble feeling any real chemistry between Vince and Georgina. I wanted to feel that chemistry between them, but I just didn’t. The romance just seemed rather lukewarm to me.

This one had everything it needed to be a hit, but it just fell flat instead.

Rate:  B

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