Enslaved by Elisabeth Naughton

Title: Enslaved

Series: Eternal Guardians bk 5

Author: Elisabeth Naughton

Genre: Paranormal

After being rescued from the Underworld, Gryphon is plauged by strange voices and an evil foreboding. He believes that his only hope for salvation is to track down the goddess who cursed him…until he meets Maelea.Ā 
A prisoner with no bars, Maelea encounters Gryphon on her quest to find Olympus. He’s about to test her loyalty to the gods, and she’s ready to find out if he still has a heart worth saving…

I have two words for this book TESTOSTERONE ANGST!!

Of all the heroes in this series I have to say that Gryphon has become my favorite, course this will probably change once I get Nick’s book šŸ™‚

Elisabeth has the unique ability to make write these extremely tortured heroes and do it in a way that we can’t imagine them any other way. Of all the tortured pnr heroes I have read she is the top five.

Gryphon is one tortured and angry Argonaut. First he was betrayed into the Underworld, and then the only person who went after him is his brother, who isn’t even an Argonaut. Now that he is back he is trapped in a room and its like he traded one prison for another. When the opportunity presents itself for him to escape he takes it.

Maelea has a goal and no one is going to stop her from reaching that goal. Especially not the Argonaut who has decided that he needs her and isn’t letting her go.

One of the things I enjoyed about these two is that there was more going on then we knew until Gryphon decides to tell us, especially in regards to Maelea. And how they come to know each other and see the other person for who they really are.

There is also a couple of side stories, one regarding Titus which sets up for the next book in the series, and one regarding Max the son of Zander and Callia from book 2. The story of Max I have a feeling will be a story arc through out the series, what makes for more drama than a 12 year old boy.

Between Gryphon, Titus and Max there is sooo muchĀ TestosteroneĀ Angst that you have to keep reading and you feel bad for any woman they come into contact with.

This is definitely one of those books I will be re-reading.

Grade A

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