Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After

Bride Quartet bk 4

Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts is the queen of romance. Over a career that has spanned almost thirty years she continues to give us great stories, with characters that we want to have as our best friends, or even siblings. In the last installment of her Bride series she doesn’t let us down at all.

In Vision in White we have Mac and Carter’s story, in Bed of Roses it is Emma and Jack, in Savor the Moment we get Laurel and Del’s story and in this book we finally get to see what is going on between Mal and Parker. The sparks have been flying between the two of them since the Cinco de Mayo party in book 2.

As the public face of Vows wedding planning company, Parker Brown has an uncanny knack for fulfilling every bride’s vision. She just can’t see where her own life is headed. Mechanic Malcomb Kavanaugh loves figuring out how things work, and Parker is no exception. Both know that moving from minor flirtation to major hook-up is a serious step. Parker’s business risks have always paid off, but now she’ll have to take the chance of a lifetime with her heart…

I loved everything about Parker and Mal. They are two very different people from very different backgrounds and yet at the core they want the very same thing, a family,  a family that is the core of who and what they are.

Parker with her spreadsheets and manners, Mal with his greased jeans and Harley, on the surface they aren’t a couple that you would expect to be together, that is until you see them together, and they make perfect sense, because they just fit.

Two of my favorite scenes were when she goes to dinner at his mother’s, and when he screws up and how he apologizes to her. He doesn’t buy her flowers of jewelry he gets her something that he knows she loves. Something that she doesn’t expect in the least.

One of the things that I loved about this series is all the wedding parts. It has made me remember my wedding, and wondering what I would do different if I had these four in charge of it, and also how much in love I was with Mike when we got married.

If you haven’t read this series yet, than you will love everything about these four friends, and the men that they fall in love with, if you have read the other books in this series and have been anxiously awaiting this book like I have than you won’t be disappointed.

I so love the covers of all these books as well.

Grade A+

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