In the Company of Wolves by Paige Tyler

cover73512-mediumTitle:    In the Company of Wolves

Series:  SWAT Book #3

Author:  Paige Tyler

Genre:  Romance, Paranormal

Blurb:   He opened his mouth to order her to drop the MP5 she had aimed at him, but nothing would come out. It was like she’d robbed him of the ability to speak. Shooting her wasn’t an option, though. And the idea of arresting her didn’t make him feel any better.

There’s a new gang of criminals in town who are organized and ruthless in the extreme. When Eric Becker, along with the rest of the Dallas SWAT team, ends up in the middle of a shootout, he immediately senses werewolves-a lot of them. Turns out, the new bad guys are a pack of wolf shifters.

In a spray of gunfire, Becker comes face-to-face with the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen. Becker does the logical thing. He hides her and leaves the scene with the rest of his team.

Jayna Winston has no idea why that SWAT guy helped her, but she’s glad he did. Ever since she and her pack mates got mixed up with those Eastern European mobsters, everything had pretty much fallen apart.

So what’s a street-savvy thief like Jayna going to do with a hot alpha-male wolf who’s a police officer?

Thoughts:  Compared to all the books Paige Tyler has published, I have barely scraped the surface of her books. I have read around 4 or 5 of her books total. However, I do find myself really enjoying reading her works. I love paranormal books, shifter in particular, and that always draws me in….not to mention the amazing blurbs for her books which is just the clincher. I simply can’t not pick them up or one-click – there is just something about them. This book was a little different in that there was the whole bad a@$ shifter vibe from it, but also that ‘crush’ element to it where one character is really pining away for the other. Definitely added an a little something for me.

On the downside, most of her books kind of fade into the background after awhile – for me, they can be a little forgettable sometimes.

Rate:  B

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