Inside Broken by Ana W. Fawkes

71br78JFrPL._SL1033_Title:  Inside Broken

Series:  Devil’s Call MC Book #1

Author:  Ana W. Fawkes

Genre:  Contemporary

Blurb:   Fresh out of prison, Talon wants his club back. Losing the President’s patch has left a scar deeper than any bullet or knife is capable of.

To get it back, he’ll have to endure a war, battling both himself and someone he once considered as close as a brother.

And in the midst is a beautiful woman looking for a chance at survival…

ThoughtsInside Broken falls along with most other Motorcycle Club subgenre reads – raw, gritty, graphic, and not for the faint of heart. It hits off to a great start with Talon being attacked while in prison – right before his release. And while some of the things he faces when he comes back to remain the same, a lot of things have changed….and even more will be forever changed.

I enjoyed the characters – Everly didn’t really fit for the most part as the typical girl you’d see frequenting the MC letting herself be used in the hopes of landing a gig as an ‘ol lady’. I really liked Layne, but I couldn’t get his hang up on claiming Everly, particularly since you could tell he cared for her. And Talon was just Talon – there are no other words for him!…:)

There were definite undertones that had you feeling you were missing huge aspects or parts of this story – though I feel that was the angle the author is going for here. The end leaves off on a major cliffhanger….one of those drop you off a cliff, right in the middle of dramatic information/events kind of cliffhangers…..and considering there are future books, I see more information being revealed in bits and pieces. It’s a waiting game and a big puzzle to figure out. It’s definitely not a book for everyone – but MC fans will like it….but the waiting game may prove irritating.

Rate:  B

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