Jesse By C.H Admirand

Title: Jesse

Author: C.H Admirand

Series: The Secret Life Of Cowboys book 3

Genre: Western

Jesse Garahan no longer believes in love. Until he meets Danielle Brockway and her tiny daughter, Lacy, on their way to their new home in Pleasure, TX. Danielle’s worthless ex-husband left her high and dry, and now she’s looking for a simple small-town to start over in — and then she meets Jesse. She just can’t seem to help herself where long-limbed, swaggering Texas men are concerned. Suddenly, life is anything but simple.

I’ve loved Jesse from book one of the series, Jesse is the youngest Garahan with a fantastic sense of humor. But after years of trying Jesse doesn’t believe in love anymore well at least for himself. There was one woman he thought he loved but he was wrong, She’d left him not once but twice for the same man. If that wasn’t a kick in the pants he didn’t know what was.

Heading to town one day he spots a car on the side of the road with a woman about to take the radiator cap off of a hot engine, Just about the stupidest thing she could have done. So what was a man to do? Of course There was only one thing he could do, Flip his truck around and stop her. What he doesn’t expect is his dormant beaten heart to feel something for this woman.

Danielle was on her way back to pleasant, Texas after finilzing her devorice from her bull riding ex-husband. When she was young she would often visit her uncle, Now she was moving in with him. Danielle, Like Jesse wasn’t looking for love, In fact she’d be happy if she never set her eyes on another cowboy again. Much to her surprise she’s knocked for a loop meeting Jesse for the first time. Danielle is not coming back to Texas alone she has her little cotton candy pink cowgirl 3 daughter Lacy, Who takes to “Cowboy Jesse” right off. With a bit of help from his brother’s ladies and a few towns folks Jesse and Danielle bot come to the realization that they are right for one and other. With little Lacy tugging heart strings they become just what they wanted a family.

Just the perfect new addition to the Circle G.

In this book C.H introduces the Garahan cousins. So although this book finishes up this series I’m hoping to hear more about the lawmen and Firemen that make up part of this family.
P.s you’ll never look at a porch swing the same again.

Grade: A+

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1 Comment

  1. C.H. Admirand

    Hi Helen! Thanks for posting your FAB review for JESSE! I am so honored that you enjoyed reading Jesse, Danielle and little Lacy’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 🙂


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