Monday Author Spotlight

What time is it? It’s time to spotlight an author.

It is time to introduce you to a new author,

or re-introduce you to an old favorite.

Whichever the case may be, pull up a seat and meet…

Lori Foster

Lori is one of those authors that I discovered at the library. I was walking up and down the aisles and the name of a book stuck my fancy it was Causing Havoc. I immediately fell in love with the characters. A couple of months later I was visiting my sister-in-law and she had just read this book called Jude’s Law another of Lori’s books, and I loved that book also. I figured that because I had read two of her books and loved them that I would find her other books. I have to say that I am now a huge fan of hers.

Here are some things about Lori that I found while doing some research on her….

Lori also writes under the name L.L. Foster.

In 2007, Lori put together The Write Ingredients a cookbook of recipes donated by popular authors. Proceeds from the cookbook go toward Lori’s ongoing “Troop project” of collecting and mailing fun, and sometimes necessary, items to our troops.

How long have you been writing? When did you know you wanted to be an author?

I’ve been published since 1996, and I had probably been writing about 5 years before that, trying to get published. I knew I wanted to be a writer when I started reading romance. Before that, I hadn’t read much of anything. Cereal boxes, occasional make-up advice in a magazine. I can’t remember my exact age when I first started, but I was grown and already had 3 kids before it occurred to me to write.

I especially liked this question and answer because I have discovered that a lot of the romance writers do start writing after they become mothers, my husband says its because they need to add some excitement to their lives (he says this with a grin as he benefits from some of the stories)

If you haven’t checked out Lori then here are some of my favorite books by her….

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