Risking It All by Christi Barth

cover82729-mediumTitle:    Risking It All

Series:  Naked Men Book #1

Author:  Christi Barth

Genre:  Romance

Blurb:   Who doesn’t love Naked Men? In Christi Barth’s irresistible series, a group of close-knit friends talk out their problems with naked honesty on a popular blog. Bonded by a high-school tragedy, they’re moving on from the past—and fighting for the future with strong and sassy women.

Griffin Montgomery helps people. As a teenager, he kept his best friends alive after their soccer team’s bus crashed in the Alps. Now, as a Coast Guard search and rescue pilot, he saves lives with reckless abandon—until he goes too far and earns a lengthy suspension. Working on the Naked Men projects keeps his mind busy, but Griff’s itching to get back in the action. That’s when he finds his latest rescue mission: a pretty wallflower who’s stuck in her comfort zone.

Chloe Widmore doesn’t take risks. As a professional letter writer, she gets enough excitement out of expressing other people’s emotions. So when the hottest man she’s ever seen invades her coffee shop, Chloe surprises herself with how much she wants to be with him. Routines make her feel safe. Griff makes her deliciously unsafe, in so many ways. But falling for him is one risk she might just have to take . . . whether she’s ready or not.

Thoughts:  When it comes to Risking It All, I found myself growing intrigued with the characters from the very beginning and I thought it really started out very strong.  The way the characters meet, how they connect, the personalities and the he initial sparks between the characters…all gave me high hopes for the book.  To my dismay though, in the middle somewhere everything seemed to just sort of….fizzle out for me though.   The story seemed to drag and the characters’ kind of lost that originality that I liked about them in the beginning.  I can’t really pin down why it fell apart for me.  It is my first time reading anything by this author, and I enjoyed her style and flair of writing so I look forward to checking into some of her other books though!

Rate:  B-/C+

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