Sunday Snippet: Jesse by C.H. Admirand

Helen sent me the first two books in this series Tyler and Dylan and man was I glad. There is nothing better than hard working cowboys protecting the the land that’s been in their families for generations anyway they can. So with men like these you know the heroine’s are tough as nails women as well. After watching his older brothers find women Jesse wants the same thing. Today’s snippet is after he’s meet Danielle and all pink cowgirl daughter Lacy. Jesse will be available in July 2012

Pulling the T-shirt over his head, he tried not to think about being the only Garahan presently sleeping alone. His frustration level wasn’t at the critical point yet, but he had a feeling the more time he spent around Danielle, the higher it would go. She had curves in all the right places.

Hell, one thought led to another and pretty soon he was hard, hot and horny. “Damn” He hadn’t had a case of SBS in a long time. Snickering, He remembered the first time Tyler used the phrase when they were teenagers and it had been especially true; Sperm Backup Syndrome wasn’t pretty, and the reason he was so grouchy lately. The need to find a willing woman speared through his insides, twisting his guts and other parts into knots.

Unzipping his jeans, he stepped out of them, leaving them right where he could reverse the movement at first light-saved time getting ready in the morning. Naked and aching, he ribbed his hands over his face. “I can’t just ride into town and pick up the first woman I see and ask her to do a little mattress dancing.”

“Sure you can,” the devil on his right shoulder said, poking him in the cheek with his pointy, res pitchfork.

“No you can’t,” the angel on his left shoulder insisted, plucking a soothing note on his tiny golden harp.

Man, he was insane, “Damn. Too bad this wasn’t the good old days, when a man could do whatever he wanted and damn the consequences.”

But his mama, and then his grandfather, had raised him right, and he knew he couldn’t or wouldn’t even try. He’d had sex for the sake of release, and while it felt really great at the time, there was just something missing. Then he’d thought he’d found the perfect woman… but it turned out Lori only wanted to be friends. After meeting Danielle and Lacy, he wanted to spend more time with them. Who knew where it might lead?

He crawled onto the bed. With a sigh, he settled on his back, stacking his hands beneath his head. The shaft of moon light wasn’t as wide and it had been before. It was getting late it the moon was moving beyond his bedroom window.

“Women!” Rolling over, he pushed up off the bed, punched his pillow a couple of times, and with a settled on his side. Exhausted from a hard day working the ranch, Jesse closed his eyes and tried to will himself to sleep, but the pretty blonde with eyes the color of cornflowers had had him rolling back onto his back.

Staring up at the celling, he sensed that Danielle was a woman who could take his mind off of his troubles, but she wasn’t the “let’s get it on and move on” type. Closing his eyes, he imagined little Lacy taking a hold of his hand and asking, “What’s wrong with forever?”

Jesse Garahan no longer believes in love. Until he meets Danielle Brockway and her tiny daughter, Lacy, on their way to their new home in Pleasure, TX. Danielle’s worthless ex-husband left her high and dry, and now she’s looking for a simple small-town to start over in — and then she meets Jesse. She just can’t seem to help herself where long-limbed, swaggering Texas men are concerned. Suddenly, life is anything but simple.

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1 Comment

  1. C.H. Admirand

    OMGoodness…thanks so much for posting the snippet from my upcoming book…JESSE. I loved writing his story and hope readers will enjoy reading it too.

    PS…I’ll have to thank Helen, too!


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