2015 Holiday Recipe Exchange: Lime Coolers from Maggie Wells -

2015 Holiday Recipe Exchange: Lime Coolers from Maggie Wells

TBRG Recipe Exchange copy


A little something different from Maggie Wells
Happy holiday’s everyone!
I love to bake. Each year I try to add a new cookie to the recipe box, but this I thought I’d share one of my unconventional favorites with you. Lime Coolers. I know they don’t sound very holiday-ish, but I’ve been making these for about the last 12 years, and they are always a big hit. They’re light, airy and nice break from the usual assortment of cinnamon, spice, and chocolate confections. Luckily, my close personal friend, Betty Crocker, has a nice copy of this recipe on her website (CLICK HERE), so I’ll link that instead of scanning my splattered, stained, and much loved copy.

lime coolers


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