Ares' Temptation by Aubrie Dionne -

Ares’ Temptation by Aubrie Dionne

cover61761-mediumTitle:  Ares’ Temptation

Series:  N/A

Author:  Aubrie Dionne

Genre:  Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Blurb:   At the wedding of two Greek gods, Kaye Underhill is the only mortal in a sea of scantily clad nymphs and fickle satyrs. And worse — she’s dateless. The only bright side is the hot, muscled hunkiness of the God of War, who’s seated next to her. But there’s no way Kaye could ever grab a god’s attention… Is there?

Ares is in big trouble. A vengeful witch curses him, and the first person he touches will steal his strengths, while he receives their weaknesses. When Kaye trips, Ares catches her and poof! His powers disappear, and Kaye suddenly has the strength and coordination of a Greek god. To break the curse and regain his powers, Ares must get Kaye to fall in love with him.

But for the god who makes war, making love presents a whole new set of problems…

Thoughts:  One of the first things to mention is the fact that even though this is not considered part of a series, it is connected with another book by the author.   I didn’t find it particularly bothersome while I was reading, but at the beginning certain characters are referenced which does make you question whether you’ve missed something. However, what did bother me was the lack of connection with the characters, which annoyed me since I was expecting a great read based on the blurb. I think I was expecting something along the lines of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s style, but this book was far different – for one, it was far more lighthearted. Even more than that, however, the characters just lacked a certain depth and intensity overall.

The romance between the characters was also lacking – I just didn’t feel the passion or any emotional bond between the two. The writing also seemed to me to be somewhat stiff at times, and just….lacking a certain something. It didn’t draw me in and have me clamoring for more. It was just an okay read for me.

Rate:  C

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