Ask Me Nicely by Amy Andrews + GIVEAWAY -

Ask Me Nicely by Amy Andrews + GIVEAWAY

amnTitle: Ask Me Nicely
Author: Amy Andrews
Genre: Contemporary

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint… She craves what only he can give her. But he’s not giving in without a fight… 

Veterinarian Sal Kennedy’s lost her mojo and is desperate to get it back. In fact, as the anniversary of the tragedy that destroyed her life looms large, she’ll do anything to erase the painful memories, including overdoing the tequila and making a pass at the most annoyingly inappropriate man on the planet. Fellow veterinarian Doyle Jackson is her flatmate and her employee and therefore strictly off-limits. Unfortunately, Doyle knows how to bring the goods and make her mojo sit up and beg. Doyle is only too happy to oblige Sal in her hour of need, but then she demands more, and she’s perfectly happy playing dirty to get it. He wants more, too—more than just sex, that is, and it’s something Sal’s not willing to give. But Doyle is in this for the long haul now, and he’s prepared to fight even dirtier to get what he wants. Even if that means they both keep losing all their clothes in the process…


First line of the book: “Sally Kennedy needed more tequila. And an orgasm. Not necessarily in that order of course.” COME ON! From that line alone I was ready to read more!!

This story made me laugh out loud and cry and cheer. We met Sal when her big brother/vet partner and her BFF were finding their way to love in the 5 star read No More Mr Nice Guy. We were not told a lot about her back story but it was hinted that it was traumatic and whatever it was had kept Sal from loving again.

There are so many things I loved about this story one of the main things being that the author, Amy Andrews, didn’t make us wait until the end of the book to find out the trauma that was torturing Sally. As a reader we found out relatively early in the story so we knew why her heart was so closed off from Doyle.

Sally Kennedy doesn’t want to date or be woo’d and chased and made to feel that her worth is more than just a good time… she wants the physical and that’s it. Doyle was relentless in his pursuit of her! And for a short time I wondered if he was going to get through to her… but there is a line in Chapter 16 that was so gut clenching and truly spoke to me – made me cry and hold my breath and… oh man! I want to share the line but it will give too much away! Read this book I think you will love it as much as I did!

Grade A

***As if this wonderful read is not enough there’s a GIVEAWAY being offered by Amy! Make sure you check it out!***

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  1. Sharlene Wegner

    I am a fan of Amy’s & look forward to reading this! Thanks for the great review!

  2. Sarah

    Awesome…going to have to read this one!…:)


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