Aurora Sky by Nikki Jefford -

Aurora Sky by Nikki Jefford

cover84514-mediumTitle:    Aurora Sky

Series:  Aurora Sky Book #1

Author:  Nikki Jefford

Genre:  Sci-Fi Fantasy, Teen & YA

Blurb:   If there is one thing eighteen-year-old Aurora Sky wants, it’s to get off the iceberg she calls home. Being kissed before she graduates wouldn’t hurt either.

Then a near-fatal car wreck changes everything. Government agents step in and save Aurora’s life in exchange for her services as a vampire hunter. In Alaska. Basically she’s a glorified chew toy. All thanks to her rare blood type, which sends a vampire into temporary paralysis right before she has to finish the job… by hand.

With help from a defiant undercover informant, an overzealous partner, and a beguiling delinquent, Aurora takes on the underworld.

Thoughts:  This is part of what I hate about the Young Adult and New Adult genres and why I tend to shy away from those books – with a few exceptions.  You can go from a book that has mature characters that you can associate with even though the readers are perhaps older than the characters themselves to a book that leaves the readers unable to relate to the characters.  I thought I was safe going for this one – technically, it is listed on Amazon as ‘Mature YA/New Adult’.  But reading it?  I just couldn’t see it.  The characters are so immature and the story itself just doesn’t ring true.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the reason I love the paranormal, sci-fi/fantasy genre is because I love when an author can make the unbelievable believable to me as a reader.  This one just lacked that for me.

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