Bashful by Lo Brynolf -

Bashful by Lo Brynolf

Title: Bashful
Author: Lo Brynolf
Genre: New Adult Romantic Comedy
Release Date: March 29, 2018

BLURB:  Callie Miller loves drama. As a theatre major, that’s a given.
It’s hard to date in the theatre department when all the guys are either taken or gay—like her best friend and longtime crush.
When Callie becomes the lead in the biggest production of the year, she realizes she has no time for love.
Until Sebastian “Bash” Moore reenters her life, stage left.
He left everything behind three years ago to chase his dreams. But his heart remained at home, tied to memories of a tiny blonde with a flair for the dramatics—on and off the stage.
Bash is determined to become her leading man, and he will do anything to get out of the friend-zone and win her love. Only, it might not be so easy.
Callie Miller might love drama, but she’s out to protect her heart…

Thoughts:  What an interesting and enjoyable new adult read with a twist on the ‘friends to lovers’ theme!  New adult is typically kind of touch and go for me, with the characters sometimes so immature that the young adult characters who are younger are more aged and mature!  I felt like the author struck a good balance in this area – the characters were young and it showed, but an appropriate level of young for the age group they represent.  I didn’t agree with Bash knowing he had feelings for Callie but still spending his years away from her hooking up with other women, but that’s a whole other thing and one of my own personal dislikes.  Bottom line – does it fit in with the characters, the age level, and potentially be realistic behavior?  Yes, so I managed to overlook it…:)

I LOVE the friends to lovers theme, but I can honestly say that I have never read one in which the heroine believes for the majority of the book – and has a crush on – the hero who she thinks is gay!  I would have liked to have known more about what actually led her to think that in the first place, but nevertheless it certainly added an interesting element to it, and I give the author major props for maintaining a balance with that and still managing to write in great chemistry and intimate moments between these characters.  Exceptionally well done!

Grade: A

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36171659-bashful

PURCHASE LINKS – 99c for a limited time

US: https://amzn.to/2pMvtsB
UK: https://amzn.to/2Gisz5M
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AU: https://amzn.to/2I8513X

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Lo Brynolf was born and raised in southeast Michigan. A lover of all things artistic, Lo grew up performing on stage and in choir and attended Eastern Michigan University to major in Theater Arts. She now resides in the same small town that she grew up in with her wonderful husband and three tiny humans.


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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17138612.Lo_Brynolf
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