Blue Lines by Toni Aleo -

Blue Lines by Toni Aleo

cover37894-mediumTitle:  Blue Lines

Series:  The Assassins Book #5

Author:  Ton Aleo

Genre:  Romance

BlurbOpposites do more than just attract in Toni Aleo’s latest Nashville Assassins novel about a very bad boy and the good girl he can’t resist.
The instant Piper Allen sees Erik Titov, she wants him—wants his rock-hard body, sure, but the strength and mystery that lie behind that superstar hockey jock demeanor, too. So when he sidles up to her at a bar and slinks his arm around her waist, she’s lost. What follows is the wildest night of her life . . . followed by inevitable heartbreak the next morning. And then, a few weeks later, a very big surprise: two blue lines on a pregnancy test.  Only a check to the head could make Erik fall for a nice girl like Piper. But since their crazy-sexy night together, he’s been trying to forget about her alluring body by falling into bed with every woman in Nashville, and it’s not working. So when Piper shows up at his house with a baby-bomb to drop, it doesn’t take much for Erik to suggest the nuclear option: marriage. While it’s supposed to be all for show, the second they say “I do,” the ice between them starts to melt into sizzling steam.

Thoughts:  I am a big fan of Toni Aleo and her Assassin’s series.  I have been eagerly awaiting Blue Lines for months, and it was a given that as soon as I could get my hands on a copy I would jump at it.  As usual, Aleo does not fail to disappoint me!  This was a wonderful read from beginning to end.  I find it funny though, how quickly I devour a book – when you wait months for it to come out!

This one definitely has Aleo’s typical flair, but Erik is a slightly different hero.  He’s a little tarnished around the edges, and sometimes comes off as a bit of an jerk.  So much so that a few readers might not like the book just because he might rub them the wrong way.  To be honest, this didn’t really bother me that much for a number of reasons.  To start with, when you consider Erik’s past history, it’s not really surprising why he is the way he is.  A lot of people don’t really understand how abuse of any kind – especially during your formative years – can affect who you are for the rest of your life.  It shapes who you are, as well as your behavior.  Erik exemplifies that.  Piper also made this read well worth it – she’s just so sweet and endearing, and as much as she loves Erik, she’s not about to let him run all over her.  This definitely made for some interesting moments – some of which made you feel like a cheerleader, rooting Piper on!  The best part?  As usual with a character so flawed, defensive, and messed up – there is a heart of gold underneath that comes bursting out when you least expect it.

Another thing that was really great about this book?  The acknowledgements at the end from Aleo herself.  I usually don’t pay too much attention to those, or dedications, or anything like that – but being a huge fan of Aleo, I read the one in Blue Lines.  And to be honest, it brought tears to my eyes, and I found myself crying at how much Aleo bared her soul to us – her readers.  I was really touched by what I read.  And to Toni – I know that your Mom is so proud of all you have done….and as readers we are all proud of you too!  And even though you leave a little bit of your soul in each book that you write, I am proud of you for exposing a little bit extra to us.

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  1. Grandmapeony

    I love Toni’s books and I cannot wait to read that acknowledgment.

  2. Marcy Shuler

    I have this whole series now. I just have to read them. LOL I like to read them without waiting between books.

  3. patoct

    I have read a few of this series and have a few on my kindle. But this one I still need to get.

  4. Pingback: #Book Review for New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Toni Aleo's, Blue Lines - Hot - Hockey - Romance!! | Romance at RandomRomance at Random

  5. gmapeony

    Whoops, my mistake, got too formal – name is gmapeony – lol – I really want to read that acknowlegment and reader another of Toni’s books. Love sports books.


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