Body of Sin by Eve Silver -

Body of Sin by Eve Silver

Title: Body of Sin

Series: Otherkin bk 4

Author: Eve Silver

Genre: Paranormal

Once the favorite son of the Lord of the Underworld, Lokan Krayl held enviable privileges and powers. Powers that led to a devastating betrayal—murder.

Resurrected by his immortal brothers, Lokan is still trapped in purgatory. He has no way to contact his family. He has no answers. In order to find the truth about his death and who killed him, he must escape his prison. And there’s only one way out: through the twelve gates of his eternal enemy, Osiris.

But Lokan has help. Bryn Carr, the woman who duped him once before, is his beautiful yet unwanted guide. She’s been sent by his brothers to aid him. She’s his last hope. Lokan must place his fate—and that of the mortal and immortal worlds—in the hands of the one woman he can never trust.

This is the first book of Eve’s that I have read, and it is the last book in the series. I probably should have gone back and read the other books in the series before I started this one, but I didn’t, and I have to say that I don’t think I missed to much from not reading the other books first, other than I know who killed Lokan and why.

Brynn and Lokan and their story does a lot of shifting between the present and the past to explain their history and why they are essential to each other. Both of them have kept huge secrets from each other as to who they are in truth.

I do have to say that after reading the blurb on the back of the book and the book I find that the blurb doesn’t tell the truth because Lokan trusts Brynn as he trusts no one else, because of who she is to him. When he discovers she is his guide he is one part furious and one part happy.

There is so much that I want to say about this book but anything that I do say will be a major spoiler for the book and if you have read my reviews in the past you know that I don’t do spoilers. So I will just say this..

I absolutely LOVED this book, and will be getting the others just as soon as I can so that I can read them. My favorite line in the book comes from Lokan and I can’t remember the context but he grumbles something and then says or thinks emo shit I loved that. It made me laugh.

If you have read the other books in this series I can tell you that you will love how this book ends. If you have never tried Eve Silver and like paranormals then you will definitely want to try out her books.

We have an exclusive expert for you as well…

The Underworld

I would die for her.

Dana. My daughter.

I did die for her. But I can’t remember exactly how or why. I know that I let someone kill me in order to keep my daughter safe. Which makes no sense. The thought drifts away, and with it all other thoughts and hopes. This is my eternity.

I float in a place that is nowhere and nothing. I have neither shape nor form. The agony of that—of losing myself and having lucid flashes where I know what has been done to me and what I have lost—is indescribable. The moment fades, and with it all knowledge.

Who am I? I don’t know. Fear chases through me.

An instant—or a century—later, I blink and stare straight ahead. I’ve been in the dark so long, I’ve forgotten what it is like to know light. Except there, a pinprick, so bright it hurts. Not just my eyes. My arms, my legs, my heart.

Pain drags awareness with it. Flash to a memory: I have three brothers. I must warn them, save them.

Urgency fades to confusion. Then I have only darkness.

A vortex of pain brings me back, incredible suction, like a giant vacuum pump pulling on my limbs. Words, foreign and confusing, are on the tip of my tongue. I hear myself speak as though the sound comes from a place far away. “Guardian, watch over my body. Let it not be slain. May it not be destroyed forever.”

Hot pokers skewer me. Knives slice my flesh. The pain is more than I can bear, tearing me apart, barbed talons digging into my bones. The not knowing is even worse, and with the pain come embers of understanding. I reach for the agony. I welcome it. Embrace it. Because the knowledge that comes with it is the ultimate prize.

Memories fly at me, bright sparks and snaps. I know now what I am. Soul reaper. Son of Sutekh. Eternal. Immortal. I cannot die.

But I am dead. Murdered. By Sutekh. My father.

My daughter is at risk with only the blood oath of my murderer to keep her safe.

I look down at my hand—my hand—and know that somehow I have form once more. I can think only that my brothers have found a way to reunite my body and soul. How? I do not know, and at this moment, it doesn’t matter. I clench my fist, reveling in the sting of my nails digging into my palm.

There is no way to put words to the emotions that rush through me. Relief, rage, regret, and so much more. I am no longer dead.

I am alive. My name is Lokan Krayl, and I am alive.

Grade B+

**We have 2 copies of this book to giveaway. Open to Int’l**

Other Books in the Series

Sin’s Daughter (this is a pre-quel to the series)

Sins of the Heart

Sins of the Soul

Sins of the Flesh

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  1. Karin Anderson

    Oh my. I can’t wait for this to come out. I’ve been waiting for Lokan’s story for quite a while. So far, he’s my favorite brother.

  2. Beth M.

    Would love to get a copy of this!

  3. yolande m.

    Love all the brothers…cannot wait so excited!

  4. Spav

    I’ve had this series on my wishlist for almost a year. Count me in, please.

  5. Natasja

    OMG Lokan’s story sounds awesome. I cannot wait to read it.

  6. Ellie F

    Love Eve Silver! Can’t wait to read this book! Great giveaway.

  7. Regina Ross

    love her books cant wait to read this one please enter me for the giveaway 🙂

  8. Proserpine

    I would love to get a copy! the series seem awesome!

  9. Marianne

    Love this series…can’t wait to read Lokan’s story!

  10. Wendy Mitchell

    Awesomeness squared. Would love to win this book. Thanks for the terrific contest.

  11. margaret whelehan

    i would love a copy!!!

  12. Julie

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  13. Escape by Fiction

    I think this is great series and i can’t wait to start book 4 – Body of Sin. I really enjoyed this take on the underworld and the different sects mythologies.

    Good reading ~ Escape by Fiction 🙂

  14. Lisa Richards

    I loved her Dark Gothic series and can’t wait to start this one.

  15. Linda MF

    T)he Underworld
    H)ells Soul Reapers
    E)gyptian Gods
    R)oxy Tam
    K)rayl Brothers
    N)aphre Kurata 🙂

    LOVE this series, thank you for the chance to win

  16. Aurian

    I haven’t read anything by Eve Silver yet, even though my best friend keeps pushing me. But your review sure makes it sound like a great series, and I should try it out.
    Thanks for the great give-away!

  17. Dana

    I love this series. I finished the 3rd one a while ago and had forgotten about it until I saw this. I’m so glad I did. I’m going to read it right away.

  18. Emily Tardy

    Eve Silver just entered my Must-Read list! This sounds really good, and seeing everyone else say they love it, I can’t wait to read =D

  19. Aurore

    I really love your reviews. This book seems real good. I think I will try it (or another of the series) soon! Thanks for the review!


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