Book Club: Erin Nicholas -

Book Club: Erin Nicholas

The other day I was chatting with Erin Nicholas, and she mentioned she wanted to do something with a book club. I said, this sounds like fun, I bet we could do something on the review site with it. After copious amounts of emails we nailed down what we are going to do. I can tell you, we’re both really excited about it. So here’s how this is going to work.

Join the Online Book Club with Erin Nicholas!

  •  Vote for which of Erin’s books you’d like to read with the group:
    • Just Right, book one of Erin’s Bradford series
    • Anything You Want, book one of her Anything & Everything series
    • She’s the One, book one of her new Counting On Love series
  •  July 1st we’ll announce the book choice.
  •  Then you have until Saturday, July 6th to sign up to participate… ALL sign-ups by the 6th will be entered to win PRIZES!
  •  10 people will get a free copy of the book
  •  20 people will get a goodie pack from Erin including signed swag and fun stuff
  •  Prizes will be awarded on Monday, July 8th!
  •  Reading will happen between the 8th and the 19th with random prizes awarded throughout that time period.  All participants will be eligible!
  •  On July 19th, you’re all invited to participate in the Reader Book Discussion in a private online chat room from 8-9 p.m. CST and then to join Erin for further live Author Chat including Q &A and discussion from 9-10 p.m. CST! 
  •  Prizes will also be awarded during the Reader Book Discussion and the live Author Chat!

The Poll will be on the sidebar from June 24-30.



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  1. Jeananna

    Count me in! Sounds like fun!

  2. Evelyn

    Count me in as well. Looks like lots of fun with Erin

  3. Joan

    I’ve always wanted to do a book club, but I’ve never wanted to read their choices, I’m a romance reader so this sounds like a lot of fun!

  4. Kim

    please include me in this club. I am a huge fan of Erin’s!

  5. mabledsoe

    This sounds great. Please count me in.

  6. Brenda M.

    I am in!!!

  7. Kim B

    Woo Hoo! Count me in!

  8. Leslie Ungar

    I am interested

  9. Sue Peace

    What a great idea!!! I’ll definitely take part too! 🙂

  10. Aurore

    Sounds like fun! Count me in!

  11. Kristen Kern

    looking forward to this Ladies!

  12. Tracy K

    Count me in too!

  13. Deborah O'Malley Lamoree

    Count Me In!!!!

  14. elizabeth gray

    Erin is a new author to me, but the books sound great. Really hard to choose.

  15. Kim K.

    This is going to be a blast everyone!!

  16. Sue Peace

    Has there been a book choice made yet? Where do I sign up?

  17. Aimee Donato

    I am in where do I sign up?


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