Born of Fury by Sherrilyn Kenyon -

Born of Fury by Sherrilyn Kenyon

born of furyTitle: Born of Fury

Series: The League bk 7

Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Genre: Science Fiction-Fantasy Romance

The war is on…

Counted among the fiercest Andarion warriors ever born, Hauk is one of the five founding members of the Sentella- an organization that has declared war on the League that rules the Ichidian universe with an iron fist and terrifies it with an army of well-trained assassins. Hauk’s enemies are legion, but he fears nothing and no one. He will do whatever it takes to survive and protect his Sentella brethren.

Sumi Antaxas is one of the best assassins the League has ever trained. In her world, failure is not an option and she has never met a target she couldn’t execute. So when she’s assigned Hauk, she believes it’ll be a quick and easy mission.

But nothing is ever as simple as it seems, and Hauk is far better trained and skilled than his dossier shows. More than that, as she pursues him, she stumbles upon the key that will bring down not only Hauk, but the entire Sentella organization.

In the race to report her information, she is overtaken by enemies out to end her as effectively as she intends to end Hauk. Now her only key to survival is the one man she’s been sent to kill. And Hauk doesn’t trust her at all.

The only question is, will he help her to live… or send her to her grave.

Thoughts: I’ve only ever read one book in this series, and while I liked it, it wasn’t my favorite series of Kenyons. When I received this book I was in a massive funk and needed to be taken out of my head. I had zero expectations of the story but hoped that I would be able to break the reading slump I’ve been in for what feels like weeks.

Holy freaking spaceballs did it.

I read this book…all 750 pages…in one day.

Yes you just read that right. I read it one sitting. I stopped long enough to pick up a kid from school, and then to take them to rugby practice. As soon as I got home both times, I was back in the book.

I think it’s safe to safe my reading slump is over.

From the very first paragraph I was hooked on this story, and when you read it you’ll understand why. Of all the books I’ve read (and that number is in the thousands) I’ve never read a book with an opening quite like this one.

Hauk has got to be one of the very best heroes I’ve ever read. This is a man who has sacrificed himself for his family and his honor so many times. Because of the actions of others, when he was young, he has no hope of ever having a family of his own. Except for a few people in his birth family, he is treated like a disgrace a failure when he is anything but.

My heart broke for him on every page. I don’t think I’ve ever hoped for a HEA as much as I have for him to get his. So many times I wanted to reach into the book and slap the members of his family for what they’d done to him.

Sumi has one goal, and that is to do whatever it takes to get her daughter back from the League. When her commander orders her to hunt down and kill Hauk. As much as he rings all of her bells just watching him on the monitor she knows she has to complete this assignment. She has to much at stake.

When Hauk and Sumi meet, there is an instant connection between the two of them. He know’s she’s a League Assassin, but his honor won’t let him leave her to die after a viscous attack  while she’s stacking him out. Thus begins their journey.

I’ve read almost all of Kenyon’s books and while she is no longer writing the series that is my favorite of hers (The Lords of Avalon under the name Kinley MacGregor) I’ve enjoyed all of her books. I however have never read a book in this series, even though I own a couple of them. After reading Hauk’s book and seeing how each of his friends (the heroes and heroines in the other books in the series) all drop everything to come to his aid because of the sacrifices he has made for them, made me want to go back and read their stories.

Hauk and Sumi’s path to HEA isn’t an easy one. There are a lot of things working against them, but both of them are determined to love each other, and do whatever it takes to be together.

One of the things I love about Kenyon’s stories is that the conflict between the hero and heroine isn’t one of lack of love or communication, it’s almost always from an outside source who is determined to tear apart the couple and destroy the love they have found with each other, and how they have to work together to solve the issue.

If you like sci-fi romance and heroes who have the most amazing capacity to love the family they have created with everything in them then you don’t want to miss this one.

Grade A

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