Lisa Unger
What if your family was a lie?
What if your name was a lie?
What if your whole life was just a pack of Beautiful Lies?
If Ridley Jones had slept ten minutes later or had taken the subway instead of waiting for a cab, she would still be living the lie she used to call her perfect life. Instead, she’s in the wrong place at the right time to unleash a chain of events that begins with a mysterious package on her doorstep. A package that informs her that her entire world is just an illusion. Forced to question everything she knows about herself, Ridley wanders into dark territory, where everyone is hiding something.
REVIEW: I got this book from a friend of mine because she knew how much I loved reading and she wasn’t going to re-read it. I had been hearing good things about it so I said what the heck. It took me awhile to read it, only because I started it just before the big move and it got misplaced during all the unpacking. However once I was able to sit down and read it, it kept me very much engaged.
Ridley I have to say drove me completely batty. No one is as naive and dumb as this girl, everything that she did from the moment that she received the letter, she acted like a complete imbecile. Especially for someone that has spent the last 10 years living and working in New York City. There were times that I wanted to reach into the book and shake the crap out of her.
When she finally decides to find out the truth for herself, she makes dumb mistake after dumb mistake. However the suspense of the story keeps you turning the page.
I am not going to say more than that however because it is one of the books that the less you know about the characters the better the suspense and there is plenty of suspense in this book. When the book ends you think that it is over, the story resolved, however upon reflection there was no resolution to the lies that have been told. This kinda bugged me, until I went to the authors website and discovered that she has continued Ridley’s story in Sliver of Truth.
If you like suspense and a little romance, I say little because the story line between Ridley and Jake has the makings of a great romance story, than this is a book that you should definitely check out. I know that this is an author that I am going to keep reading.
I give this a 4 out of 5
Thanks for the Book Review (& support)!
One thing on the link-up: Could you add a link back to my blog posting ( at the end of your linked up post? This way readers can go back and forth easily. You can also add my "Blog Book Review Badge" to the end of the review
Thanks. Sorry for any confusion. All this technology stuff is confusing!
WOW! This is a new author for me, but this sounds really good! Thanks so much for sharing. =)
Love your blog!
~ Lori