Canyon by Brenda Jackson -

Canyon by Brenda Jackson

cover31307-smallTitle:  Canyon

Series:  Westmoreland Series

Author:  Brenda Jackson

Genre:  Romance

BlurbFrom New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson comes a new trilogy starring three Westmorelands… 

Years ago, Canyon Westmoreland let misunderstandings come between him and Keisha Ashford. But when Keisha returns to town with a two-year-old son, it’s time to settle things once and for all. A blazing attraction still burns between them, and this time around, nothing will stop Canyon from claiming what is his-his woman and his child! 

Thoughts:  Having read the previous book in this series, Zane, I kind of knew what to expect with this one.  This is really a mini book series revolving around three Westmorelands in particular: Zane, Canyon, and Stern.  Having not read any of the books in the “main” Westmoreland branch of the family, I did really want to go back and read more about this spectacular family.  But it does not take away your enjoyment of the story if you haven’t read previous novels.

I really enjoyed the story between Canyon and Keisha.  It was a little predictable, but really sweet – and it touches on the regrets you can have when you don’t let forgiveness into your heart.  After reading about Canyon in Zane’s novel, I was really expecting to like this book – maybe more so than Zane.  But that was not the case for a couple of reasons.  Number one, at times the characters in this one fell a little flat.  It lacked intensity and character dimension for me.  Two, I thought the excuse of why Keisha’s best friend tried to sleep with Canyon and why she lied about it were a little hard to buy.  And third, the “bad guy” and his reasons for coming after Keisha (as well as how he planned to get rid of her) were a little lame.

So, while not quite as good as the first in this “new” Westmoreland series, it’s still a good story –  and I will anxiously await the next in the series, Stern, which releases September 3rd.

Rate:  B-

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