Fantasy Archives -


5 KU Authors you NEED to check out.

As an avid reader I’m constantly on the lookout for new authors to read. I’ve had a library card for more than 40 years. I love the library. But when then pandemic hit, and the libraries were closed I realized…
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Series Review: Chronicles of the One by Nora Roberts

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts comes an epic, post-apocalyptic saga, Chronicles of The One. In a world full of hope and horror, chaos and magick, where everything from electricity to government institutions has crumbled, a group of…
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Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster

Title: Kiss of Steel Series: London Steampunk Book #1 Stand Alone Title: yes Author:  Bec McMaster Genre:  Steampunk, Paranormal Romance, Sci-fi/Fantasy Blurb: When Nowhere is Safe Most people avoid the dreaded Whitechapel district. For Honoria Todd, it’s the last safe haven….
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