Christmas in Snowflake Canyon by RaeAnne Thayne -

Christmas in Snowflake Canyon by RaeAnne Thayne

christmas in snowflake canyonTitle:  Christmas in Snowflake Canyon

Series:  Hope’s Crossing book 6

Author:  RaeAnne Thayne

Genre: Contemporary, Holiday Romance

Holiday gifts don’t always come in expected packages… especially in the town of Hope’s Crossing.

No one has ever felt sorry for Genevieve Beaumont. After all, she has everything money can buy. That is, until she discovers her fiancé has been two-timing her and she’s left with two choices: marry the philanderer to please her controlling father or be disinherited and find a means to support herself.

Genevieve’s salvation appears in the most unlikely of prospects: Dylan Caine, a sexy, wounded war vet whose life is as messy as hers. Dylan’s struggling to adjust after his time in Afghanistan, and the last thing he needs is a spoiled socialite learning about the real world for the first time. True, she may have unexpected depths and beauty to match. But he knows he could never be the man she needs…and she knows he could never be the man she thinks she wants. So why are they each hoping that a Christmas miracle will prove them both wrong?

Well she did it… RaeAnne Thayne has written another brilliant book!  Ms. Thayne opens the book in her “Dear Reader” comments by saying “it is our flaws and our failings – and the dignity and grace with which we strive to overcome them – that make each of us beautifully human. This is the lesson both Dylan Caine -and Genevieve Beaumont must learn.”   WOW – I love this!

Two years have passed since book 5 and Gen has been in Paris recovering from her cancelled wedding and avoiding growing up.  When she is forced by her father to return to Hope’s Crossing she and the people in her small home town will learn that none of us are the same as we were 2 years ago. Things happen on a daily basis that change our lives, the kind of people that we are and the path that we will follow.   Dylan has spent the time holed up in Snowflake Canyon with his dog and his misery avoiding life in general because he sees himself as a “washed-up army ranger with several missing parts”.  With about a 6 year age difference between Gen and Dylan they do not know each other well, only by reputation.  But a chance run-in involving Christmas songs and a bar fight and these 2 will end up handcuffed together and forced to complete community service at A Warrior’s Hope – the last place Dylan wants to be.

From her behavior in previous books, I didn’t think it would be possible but RT made me love Genevieve Beaumont!  About a quarter of the way into the book, I could feel Gen’s desire to stand on her own two feet and prove her worth as someone other than the mayor’s spoiled daughter.  About half way through I was cheering for Gen to turn Dylan’s heart from a block of ice to a squishy marshmallow.  And by ¾ through I was cheering for the great people in Hope’s Crossing and beaming with pride because once again they pulled together and showed what unconditional support is all about.  At the end of this book I think RT taught many people in the town that “it is our flaws and our failings – and the dignity and grace with which we strive to overcome them – that make each of us beautifully human.”

Grade: A

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1 Comment

  1. jeferguson2012

    Have not seen it in the store yet. Will Wal Mart have it. Did not see it the other day.


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