When it comes to writing black ops books and heroes there are two authors that in my opinion are the queens at writing them. Tara Janzen and Cindy Gerard. I have been in love with the Steele Street Boys and the guys from BOI ever since I discovered them. When I got to meet them last year I had a serious fan girl moment that lasted for most of the week-end.
Cindy and Tara are working on an amazing project with several talented authors to help our soldiers, and they both have agreed to come on and tell us about it, as well as a bit about themselves.
TBRG: Who has been the biggest influence on your writing?
TJ: Some real groundbreakers in the romance novel world: Laura Kinsale, Judy Cuevas (Judith Ivory), Suzanne Brockmann, and my beloved Cindy – she’s who I most try to emulate when I feel my stories are moving too fast and furious, with too much action, and realize they need more serious emotional interaction between the big bad boy and the woman of his dreams.
CG: LaVryle Spencer and Sandra Brown are at the top of my list. But I agree with Tara – Suzanne Brockmann totally rocks. And I was a fan of Tara’s when she was writing Loveswepts as Glenna McReynolds way back when. It’s a mutual admiration society, let me tell ya. I adore Tara and her work. And like her, when my plots bog down with too much emotion and relationship, I always look to her for inspiration on the big, bang plot points!
TBRG: What is the one thing your readers would be the most surprised to know about you?
TJ: I can hit a ten-inch circle at a thousand meters with a .308 caliber rifle. That’s ten football fields away.
CG: I can eat a ten-inch pizza without a rifle or a football field in site! LOL. And I know not to tick Tara off. She’s kick ass with that rifle of hers.
TBRG: Where is the one place you have always wanted to go, a place on your bucket list?
TJ: Ohmigsoh, just one??? The Amazon River and Machu Picchu, and back to Edinborough, and Italy, anywhere in Italy.
CG: I was fortunate enough to make that bucket list trip last March when the amazing women of the Australian Romance Readers Conference invited me over to be a keynote speaker. Getting to see Australia and New Zealand was nothing short of a miracle for me.
TBRG: What was the first romance book that you read?
TJ: I LOVE this question!! It was SWEET SAVAGE LOVE by Rosemary Rogers. Wow!
CG: OMG – I didn’t know that, Tara. That was MY first romance novel too! I was hooked from that day forward … and ‘til death do us part :o).
TBRG: Who are some of your go to authors, and what are you reading right now?
TJ: I am currently immersed in non-fiction research books and just finished THE REINDEER PEOPLE, Living with animals and spirits in Siberia, by Piers Vitebsky. One of my “go to” writers, besides the ones mentioned above, is Mary Jo Putney. I also love Stephen Hunter for thrillers, and George R.R. Martin for fantasy. All-time favorites: J.R.R. Tolkein and Frank Herbert, the author of DUNE, and James Clavell, author of TAI-PAN and SHOGUN.
CG: Oh, this is so hard because there are so many that I love to read. But right now, I’m reading a Lee Child novel. I seem to gravitate toward thrillers these days – they help keep me in the zone for writing my romantic suspense plots.
TBRG: If you weren’t writing and keeping us in books (thanks for that by the way), what would you be doing?
TJ: Shooting more and competing in more shooting matches
CG: I’d be traveling and reading more.
TBRG: What is your guilty pleasure?
TJ: Ethel M’s lemon satin cream chocolates!!!!!!! Okay, girls, you live in Vegas, you know where the Ethel M factory is – not too far off the Strip J
CG: Chocolate, Cheetos and ice cream. Yum yum.
TBRG: So Tara you probably don’t want to know that Mel and I live around the corner from the Ethel M Chocolate factory right? And Cindy my husband (Mel’s brother) introduced me to Cheetos and ice cream and its a family favorite around our house.
TBRG: Who is on your playlist when you are writing?
TJ: everybody from Bob Dylan to The Silent Comedy, from the Kings of Leon to Cher, the Randy Rogers Band to Golden Earring, and if it was popular in the eighties, I probably bought it, Motown to Ramstein, Lita Ford to Leona Lewis, Eminem to Concrete Blonde, Rolling Stones to Roy Orbison, Jewel to Springsteen, David Gray to Dierks Bently, no music/no writing. Mostly rock-n-roll. I am deeply indebted to iTunes!!
CG: I’m so boring compared to Tara with my choices. I simply have some radio station on very soft in the background – generally country. I can’t listen too hard to the lyrics or I get distracted. Right now, however, I’m loving The Pistol Annies – a group that features Miranda Lambert. And speaking of Miranda, what’s not to love about her hunky hubby Blake Sheldon? ‘Footloose’ anyone??
TBRG: Where do your ideas/characters come from?
TJ: The CRAZY series really started with the cars. I wanted to write books that moved as fast as classic American muscle from the ‘60s and early ‘70s – once I had that figured out, I just looked inside to see who was behind the wheel J
CG: Everyone asks me this and I don’t really have an answer. It could be a song lyric, a line from a movie, a news headline … I simply never know when or where inspiration is going to strike me. I will say, however, that both the Body Guard and the Black Ops series came to fruition as a result of 9-11 and the subsequent military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I wanted to know what those specialized soldiers did when they separated from the military. And I admired them so for all they sacrifice.
TBRG: Are you a planner or a fly by the seat author?
TJ: fly by the seat of my pants.
CG: I’m a little of both. I have to have an outline to get me started. But I look at my outline as a map. I have this central, main highway that I can follow if I want to but I am ever so aware of all the off road, blue highways that branch out from the main route. What would happen if I took THAT road instead of staying the course? The curiosity generally gets the best of me.
TBRG: Tell us about the book – SEAL OF MY DREAMS?
TJ: I think Robyn Carr says it best in the forward at www.sealofmydreams.com It was very inspirational to read her forward for the book.
CG: Tara is right. Robyn says it so well. But for the history, SEAL OF MY DREAMS came about as a result of some tweets that were initiated by Christie Ridgway and Allison Kent after seeing a photograph of a SEAL in the NYT following the Bin Laden raid. It snowballed from there.
TBRG: Who are the other authors that helped to contribute?
TJ: There are 17 fabulous romantic suspense writers who contributed stories. Christie Ridgeway and Alison Kent are the two who had the idea and got the whole thing rolling.
CG: Let me see if I can remember the others: Jamie Alden, Stephanie Tyler, Rocki St. Claire, Barbara Samuels, Kylie Brant, Helen Brenna, Stephanie Bond, Ell Kennedy, Helen Kay Dimon, Marliss Melton, Loreth Anne White, Leslie Kelly, Joe Leigh, Gennita Low – plus Tara and me. Quite the line up, huh?
TBRG: What made you want to be a part of this project?
TJ: I love being able to use my skills to help the soldiers who put themselves in the fight and serve our country.
CG: Same goes. It’s a privilege and an honor to be a part of a project that can guarantee that 100% of the profits are going to the Veteran’s Medical Research Foundation, an organization that specializes in brain injury and PTSD and helps our serve men and women from ALL branches of the military.
TBRG: Tell us about your story in the book?
TJ: PANAMA JACK is about a Navy SEAL on assignment with a CIA agent in Panama. She is very savvy, very skilled, and is trying to keep stolen missiles off the black market, and she is darn glad to have a SEAL watching her back when the bad guys end up on her tail.
CG: SEALed With A Kiss is an addendum to my most recent Black Ops, Inc. story. SWAK features Luke – Doc Holliday – Colter and Val – Valentina, the hero and heroine of With No Remorse. I wanted to give readers a little taste of the ‘after the story, story’ and sent them on their honeymoon, which, as you might guess, takes an unexpected turn and both of their lives end up on the line.
TBRG: What do you want us to know about your heroes?
TJ: Jack Corday is intelligent, irreverent, calm under pressure, calm when there is no pressure, and he’s built like a block of granite – just like a Navy SEAL
CG: Luke Colter is all of the above. He’s also a bit of a smart ass :o) – loveably so – hopelessly in love with the woman of his dreams and has to come face to face with his own mortality.
TBRG: I can hardly wait to read them. Tara I love your hero’s and Cindy I think I told you that Luke was my favorite of the BOI guy’s.
TBRG: Using 3-5 adjectives describe your hero and heroine.
TJ:. Hmmmm, for Lani: 3 adjectives: tough, deadly, blonde. In more than 3 words: besides “savvy” and “skilled,” she’s a shooter and looks drop-dead gorgeous in a zebra-striped mini-dress. For Jack: confident, funny, warrior
CG: Oh, boy. Luke: Irreverent, masterful, hunky. Val: Loyal, brave, gorgeous.
TBRG: What are you working on now?
TJ: Still in the research stage and hoping it has something to do with all the reindeer books I’ve been reading J – also throw in some of the Sahara Desert, a crippled university professor who needs a bodyguard, a long-forgotten place, and a mystery that hasn’t been forgotten, long or otherwise, and some folks who have “been there, done that” and are ready to do it again. I’ve had the title for 5 years – just been waiting for the story.
CG: Oh, I’m so glad you asked :o) I finished the 7th and final Black Ops story – LAST MAN STANDING (Joe’s book) this past summer (which will be out in February, 2012 btw) and just started work on the first book in a new series featuring Mike – Primetime – Brown, an amazing character who showed up in With No Remorse and made another appearance in Last Man Standing. Mike was such a compelling character I decided he had to have his own book. Add in a couple of his buddies and a new series – One-Eyed Jacks – was born. Mike and two other former military heroes are in various stages of coping with an operation gone wrong eight years ago in Afghanistan. This series is edgy, sexy, action packed and explosive! I can’t wait to dig in deeper.
***One of the things that I am most passionate about is supporting our men and women in uniform. With that in mind we will be giving away a copy of this book to one commenter. Contest rules apply, you need to follow us on twitter and like us on fb. Open to International. ***
An interesting tidbit about the picture of the SEAL on the cover of this book. He isn’t model posing as soldier he is an actual SEAL who was stationed in Fallujah when this picture was taken as he got ready to go out on patrol.
America is in love with the Navy SEALs.
We stood witness as a nation, as a world, to acts of bravery and mastery driven by patriotism as they took down one of the world’s most dangerous villains. When the highest level of competence and fealty was required, the SEALs were called. And they did not take a bow.
Here’s what they are not – they are not celebrities, movie stars or sports idols. They are flesh and blood men who have volunteered for the highest level of military training available and taken an oath to perform heroic acts at great personal risk in the defense of a country that will not put their pictures on magazine covers or pay them a multi-million dollar contract. Indeed, their ‘bonus’ will come in the form of hazardous duty pay. They are compensated by their rank and could choose far less dangerous or frightening roles. And their success as SEALs depends, at least as long as they serve in this capacity, on anonymity.
Who better equipped to honor the image of our greatest warrior heroes than the gifted pens of some of the romance industry’s finest authors of romantic fiction. In this volume the visage of some of the world’s most revered heroes is captured in scenes of love, bravery, laughter and passion, all created to bring into focus the SEALs of our dreams, those men we hold in such high esteem.
My first romance book was Sweet Savage Love too. I must have read that book 20 times! Very interesting that the man on the cover of the book is not a model. And is it HOT! I’d love to win. I have read everything written by Tara and Cindy. Love, love, LOVE theirbooks. Thanks for the giveaway.
Oh my. I heard about this book over the summer and I can’t wait to read it! Tara – if you go to Italy, don’t miss Capri! It’s beautiful.
Good morning Trish and Karin! And hugs to Heather and Melanie – thanks for inviting us today. Not sure I read Sweet Savage Love 20 times, but I read it a lot
Really blew my socks off way back then. And Karin – Cindy and I have both been to Italy, but neither of us to Capri – looks like I’ll be going back in the next year or two, so will put it on the list of Places to Check Out – thanks a bunch!
Ohmigosh, just went and read the Q&A again, and this time noticed that TBRG live around the corner of the Ethel M chocolate factory!!!! I’ve been there 3 times! So jealous
Eat a lemon satin cream for me!
Hi everyone~!
It’s so great to be here – and to be a part of this amazing collection of stories.
Thanks Trish for the props on my books. And I love Tara’s books too so we are fan girls together.
Karin – I missed Capri when I was in Italy – could actually SEE the island from my hotel room on the Amalfi coast. Next time :o)
Just popping in to say hello! I’ve been a huge fan of Tara/Glenna and Cindy for years and I’m so honored to be participating in this antho with them and the other amazing authors who came on board. And as a co-author, I got a sneak peak at the whole shebang, and let me tell you people, Tara and Cindy’s stories rock! (like that’s a surprise ;-))
so looking forward to reading this book!!!
Would love to read this book! SEALs are becoming more popular in romance/romantic suspense. A recent SEAL novel I read was Breaking Point by Pamela Clare.
OMG, I can’t wait to read this. Cindy and Tara are 2 of my favorite authors. I just love the cover and the fact that he’s real Navy Seal makes it that much more YUMMY. Loved the interview. Congrats on the new release and thanks for the giveaway.
I love Ms.Gerard’s books. Her heroes are sexy and also compassionate. I love the cover.
OK Ladies – you are my favorite writers of this genre and I have read every single book you have written. I am absolutely crazy to get my hands on your books and will travel, email, blog, buy, borrow and beg to get my hands on your latest. Have FUN today!
OMG! Two of my favorite authors in the same spot! How lucky am I? lol I have read all the books you have both written! Navy Seals? Whew! That”s all I have to say.
Can’t wait to read the book! Ladies if you haven’t read these authors what the heck are you waiting for? They are AMAZING…
I love Tara and Cindy’s books! I’m so happy to be working with them on SEAL OF MY DREAMS. I also read SWEET SAVAGE LOVE early in my romance reading career…a dogeared copy that was someone’s mom’s that we passed hand-to-hand under school desks!
Awesme interview ladies! Thanks for sharing with us today!
Thanks everyone for coming by. Especially the other authors in this amazing anthology.
I agree that Tara and Cindy are amazing authors.
@Tara you really need to come to Ethel M’s at Christmas it is so beautiful.
Really looking forward to reading TJ’s work since we have no more Steele Street men.
As a proud supporter of the milatary with friends and family who serve, I am so aware that we are the land of the free ONLY because we are the home of the brave!
God bless all those who wear the uniform of this country and who are willing to stand for us.
I can’t wait to read this book! I’m a Black Ops/BOI addict and Doc is my favorite so I am glad we’ll see a little more of him and Val. Also really looking forward to reading more about Primetime and his buddies.
Are you kidding?? More nuggets of my Doc?!?! I can’t wait! Can’t wait to read something by Tara as well! What a great book:)
I’m a stay at home mom to 3 year old twins boys. I so look forward to when all your new books hit the stores. Reading them takes me away from all the chaos going on around me with the boys. I get to go along for the adventure and romance without leaving my favorite reading chair. Thanx so much some days it’s nice to escape the realities. Looking forward to reading so much more from both of you.
Vickie Knight
thanks! i love cindy’s books!
Oooh! I’m a sucker for a Navy SEALs stories! Can’t wait! And I’m dying for the last of the BOI’s, and more Doc! So much to look forward to!
You ladies all rock!!! thanks so much for weighing in and for all the nice props on our books. And for those of you who have NOT read Tara? OMG. You have NO idea what you’re missing.
For even more info on the SEAL of my Dreams project check out http://www.sealofmydreams.com for snippets of ALL the stories, backgrounds on the authors and information on the Veteran’s Medical Research Foundation. It’s really worth a look see :o)
Thanks for supporting this amazing cause…
I was so touched when I first read of this anthology coming in November, what a terrific thing these authors are doing. So many of my fav’s are all together in this book I know it will definitely be on my re-read shelf
Thank you for the interesting interview and making me curious about this anthology, it sounds fantastic! I can’t wait to read it! Kudos to you and I’m sure it will be a popular book
I follow you on Twitter and FB
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
ps. I know I will sound shallow, but my jaw just hit the floor when I read that info about the cover! What an awe inspiring body! So powerful and lean, no wonder one feels safe near him
Wow! This sounds awesome! Thanks so much for organizing an antho w/ such a wonderful cast of writers, for such a great cause!
efender1 (at) gmail (dot) com
Hey again – I want to tell you all that EACH one of the authors involved came on board immediately when asked to participate back in May. Everyone found time in their busy writing schedules to make this happen – and that was no easy feat. When you think about it, coordinating 18 stories in one collection in a very short 5 month time frame AND making it available is just short of miraculous. We have Christie Ridgway and Alison Kent to thank for getting the ball rolling and Debra Dixon and Debra Smith of BelleBooks for jumping on board and handling ALL of the publishing, editing and marketing issues for us free gratis. Those ladies totally rock!
And so do all of you who are showing support and interest and who I KNOW will tell everyone in the world to go out and buy this book :o)
Ladies, huge, huge fan! HUGE. Can’t wait to read Seal of My Dreams. And that was before I saw the cover! Wishing you many sales and support and for the Veteran’s Medical Research Foundation!
I can’t wait to read this book. Sounds wonderful!
♥ I can’t wait to read this…normally I’m not so much into Anthologies…but hello??? these are SEALs!!!! I just love them…I think I must’ve read 98% of all the SEAL romantic suspense novels out there
This book sounds amazing!! And the cover is certainly enough to get my attention. Kudos to Tara, Cindy and the rest of the authors for paying tribute to the SEALs and helping out vets. I’m a big fan of both of you and very much look forward to reading this book. Bring on the hunky SEALs!
I’ve been excited for this since the moment I saw the cover
My SEAL fetish is pretty embarrassing, but I forgive this one because the purchase is going towards charity. That makes it okay.
My hubby and i are vets of Desert Storm and so i love that all these wonderful authors wrote this book. I really want to win this one. So many great authors and stories inside. Cindy ii knew you had a lot respect for military people but i didn’t realize you started your BOI series because of 9/11 and Iraq Afghanistan. What a great way to honor soldiers in the best way you can. Tara i have not even heard of you until this and you know what that means? It mean new to me author to check out. I am going shortly to check out your books.
Cindy i didn’t know about the new series. Can’t wait!! Also can’t wait for Joe’s book too!
PS this is a great cover!
Lisa B
Modokker at yahoo dot com
No embarrassment necessary over your SEAL fettish :o) It was THAT photo, after all, that prompted the initial dialogue about how HOT he was and ended up in this collection of work.
And the really cool thing about it is that veterans from every branch of the military benefit from the Veteran’s Medical Research Foundation.
Lisa – kudos to you and your hubby/ We all owe you and him and all of our military – active or retired – a HUGE debt of gratitude.
I am a huge fan of both Cindy’s and Tara’s. I have all of their books and highly recommend them both to anybody who has not yet read their great stories. What they and the other authors are doing with this project is absolutely amazing. I salute them. I cannot wait to get my own copy to read.
Elizabeth Lang
Navy Seals are my favorite characters lately. I can’t wait for the release of this book. Cindy and Tara – I have read all of your books, love them
I am so looking forward to this book! How awesome is it you get a great book to read by a different authors AND get a way to say thank you to the troops who protect our country? What a great idea!
Well, looks like my last comment disappeared into the internet abyss, but wanted to say that it was absolutely amazing how fast this anthology came together – proving that some folks (for example Christie Ridgeway and Alison Kent, and Debra Dixon and Debra Smith of BelleBooks!!) are way more organized than me. And Cindy is right – it was awe inspiring to see how quickly everybody came on board for this anthology.
Also, Stella, nothing shallow about noticing our SEAL’s great physique – he worked hard for it! And it did inspire the book – gosh, I know it sure inspired me! Thanks to everyone who is checking in today and saying hello!
Hi Cindy as you know I love all your books and can’t wait for the next one to be released. Would love a copy of seals of my dreams as seals are the best lol luv vikki
I remember seeing that picture from the cover! I thought it looked familiar! I can’t wait to read this book. My father was in the military and I have adopted a soldier currently serving. I love to read stories that feature military men. Thank you for writing them!!!!
Wow. I cannot wait to read this book. Talk about a dream team of writers! I know it will be amazing and I LOVED the Q&A. Always love when authors reach out to fans…speaking personally, it’s as great getting to know more about you and your thoughts as it is reading your books. And Cindy, I am so stinking excited to hear about your new series! Cannot. Wait!!
Can’t wait to get my hands on this book, so many great authors, and all together!
Cindy, I am so excited to hear that you have a new series coming out, but also sad to see the Black-Ops end.
Tara, I don’t believe I have read any of your books, but now I am intrigued and going to search up some of your books and add them to my 5 page wishlist on Amazon! I always love finding a new author!
I am so happy to see such a wonderful collection of authors write this book for “our” heroes! I have a lot of friends that have fought overseas since 9-11. You guys are doing a great thing ! Not to mention that I have read all of cindy’s books- along with my mom and friends. Thanks for the entertainment ladies!!!!
I absolutely can’t wait to read this book. I love stories with SEALS and these are some of my favorite authors!!
WOW for the story behind the cover! Is it really any wonder why we love SEALs? They are the embodiment of Alpha males, right down to the last detail. Thanks so much for telling us a little about him.
I am really looking forward to this book. I have not read most of those authors listed, but I know I am going to go in search of now!
Stacy Wilson
dragn_lady at yahoo dot com
BTW, have been in intense like of SEALs ever since I saw Charlie Sheen in Navy SEALs back in 1990. (back when Charlie was still cute and could act) :p
I can’t wait for this book, it has everything I could possibly want, hot, strong alpha men, my favorite authors and one of the most important causes that I can think of. God Bless all of you who contributed to this wonderful book.
Hi Lisa B. – thanks for checking in and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! All the writers for SEAL Of My Dreams are big fans of the military, and we love writing about the folks who “do the deed” for the rest of us. You and your hubby’s time is much appreciated!
And Stacy – ohmigosh, I own NAVY SEALS, could quote the darn thing! But I was a Michael Biehn fan
And thanks to everyone who is going to try my books – the series starts with CRAZY HOT – with each book lasting 24 hours (or less!) they’re very fast-paced, super sexy, and most of them got 4 1/2 TOP PICKS from Romantic Times
the last book, LOOSE ENDS, was picked by Amazon as one of the TOP TEN ROMANCES OF 2011 — Enjoy!
Loved the interview with two of my all-time fav. authors! Can’t wait to read something new from both of them and the other amazing authors that have contributed to this anthology. I think that I love to read these for some of the same reasons that Cindy and Tara cited for why they write them! I love the fast, “hold on to your seats” action and the amazing men (and women) who have given so willingly to serve our country. Thanks for the great stories! Keep ’em coming!
I use to work with Cindy and love to read her books when they come out. It is a hoot to know her personality and then read her steamy stories.
I love that Cindy adds humor to her stories. Sometimes they remind me of Janet Evanovich’s humor. Thanks Cindy
no twitter for me but I do follow you on facebook.
I can’t wait for this book to come out!!
I’m excited about this book too. What a great group of authors contributing stories. Can’t wait til it’s out!
Tara and I are feelin’ the luv! Thanks guys. And our SEALS are feelin’ the luv too! Tell everyone about it okay? We want to make a ton of money for the Medical foundation! You guys are all warriors who are helping us out! Hoorah!!!
Thank-you Cindy Gerard, Tara Janzen, Jamie Alden, Stephanie Tyler, Rocki St. Claire, Barbara Samuels, Kylie Brant, Helen Brenna, Stephanie Bond, Ell Kennedy, Helen Kay Dimon, Marliss Melton, Loreth Anne White, Leslie Kelly, Joe Leigh, Gennita Low, Christie Ridgeway and Alison Kent! What an awesome tribute! I can’t wait to read it!!
Can’t wait to read this book. Would love some of you awesome authors to come to New Zealand, we would love to have you.
loved this interview…cant wait to read this book!! Love reading about SEALS
Great interview! My first romance book was “It happened one autumn” by Lisa Kleypas
Can’t wait for this book. Also, so excited about Last Man Standing and the new series with primetime!
Two of my favorite authors in one place. Tara it was a close call for me on which series I loved more the Crazy series or the Loose series. Looking forward to Panama Jack! Cindy, you’ve made my day with your new series and your addendum in this book. It will be sad to see the BOIs come to an end. Keep up the good work ladies
Thanks again for all the love, everyone!
And I’m going to miss the BOIs too, but i have a pretty strong feeling that they may show up again from time to time to help out their buddy, Mike Brown. I mean, really? We have to see Johnny d again, right??
Speaking of Johnny D I have a short story coming out in June 2012 in LOVE IS MURDER – another collection of short stories written by some amazing authors. And guess who the story is centered around? Johnny and Crystal. Yea! :o)
Yay! Cindy, this is why I worship at your altar lol. Super great news!
I am completely awed by all the commenters. Tara and Cindy there is a reason why I LOVE you and this is why. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing with us these stories and yourselves with us.
omg, i love..love..love…BOIs!!! cant wait for this book to come out.. keep up the great work!
Heather and crew – thank YOU for allowing us to come here and promo the book!
And once again to everyone who commented – Thanks for the welcome and the love and for supporting us and our project! We so appreciate it.
Hugs and hugs again – Cindy
This sounds like such an incredible anthology – can’t wait to get my hands on it!
Followed on Twitter @indefatigabl_ & FB as Hornblower Oldham
I love this cause and I can not wait to read this book!:) ..thanks you so much for the interview it was so much fun! And for the giveaway of course!;)
Aloha! I enjoyed meeting Tara and Cindy at RomCon 2010 …. come on over to Hawaii for “research” into black ops -tropical island style! We 5 military bases full of military heroes to inspire you!
Hi Kim! I remember meeting you – would love o return to Hawaii for some research
And HUGE thanks to everyone who stopped by to chat — lotsa hugs to Melanie and Heather for having Cindy and I visit – Vegas girls ROCK!!
I’m really excited about this anthology. Thanks for the giveaway. I’m not on FB or Twitter.
I love stories about men in uniform or any everyday heroes for that matter. They are what makes this world a better, and exciting place. The great thing about anthologies is discovering new authors, which Cindy and Tara are to me.
The cool thing about the anthology is that it gives you an opportunity to ‘test drive’ all the authors before deciding if you want to invest your time and money on our full length books.
Oh – and if you go to: http://www.sealofmydreams.com you can actually read snippits for each story – another test drive :o)
And Kim – I would SOOO love to visit Hawaii. Still on my bucket list :o)
Once again I have to say thank you to Tara and Cindy, and of course Vegas Girls Rock…
Here’s a little unknown fact about us. When we were trying to decide on our name Tara and Cindy thought we should name it Vegas Girls Books.
Actually – I think we said you should name it: Vegas Girls ROCK!!!
thanks again for having us.
This sounds like a fantastic anthology and going to a great cause too! Thanks for the giveaway!
no twitter or fb