Cold Sight -

Cold Sight

Cold Sight
Extra Sensory Agents Series bk 1
by Leslie Parrish
After being made a scapegoat in a botched investigation that led to a child’s death, Aidan McConnell became a recluse. Still, as a favor to an old friend, Aidan will help on the occasional XI case. But under his handsome, rugged facade, he keeps his emotions in check–for fear of being burned again.

Reporter Lexie Nolan has a nose for news–and she believes a serial killer has been targeting teen girls around Savannah. But no one believes her. So she turns to the new paranormal detective agency and the sexy, mysterious Aidan for help.

But just as the two begin forging a relationship, the case turns eerily personal for Lexie–and Aidan discovers that maybe he hasn’t lost the ability to feel after all…
Cold Sight is the first book of a new series and let me just tell you it was fabulous, I cannot remember the last time I got so wrapped up in a book that I was actually yelling at the characters, I do occasionally do that to the tv but normally never my books. Leslie has a way of writing that draws you into the book, be ready to ride the emotional roller coaster with this one.
This book introduces the XI team beginning with Aiden who has distanced himself from everyone and has learned to build up that wall to protect himself from feeling anything. In enters Lexie who has had to toughen herself up while the town is trying to subdue her and thankfully has enough perseverance to pursue what she knows is true. The two of them are destined for each other from the moment he slams the door in her face.
I am one who has always been selective when it comes to suspenseful books since I normally read at night when I am trying to unwind from a stressful day. But this won me over, yes even though it was dark and sad at times Leslie was able to bring the right amount of humor and romance to balance it out. She has become a must buy for me and I can’t wait for the next book in the series, Leslie if you want to send it early I will be more than willing to read it. 🙂
Rating 5 out of 5
Reviewed by Melanie

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  1. Lori

    Can't wait to read this one!!

  2. Melanie

    Go out and get it as soon as you can.

  3. Leslie Parrish

    Thank you so much Melanie! I am really thrilled you enjoyed it.

    Hope you're having a ball at RomCon!


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