Compromising Positions by Mary Whitney -

Compromising Positions by Mary Whitney

91dq0a69bXL._SL1500_Title: Compromising Positions

Series: N/A

Author: Mary Whitney

Genre: Contemporary Romance/Political Romance

Blurb: We weren’t supposed to be friends. We weren’t even supposed to like each other.
I’m Michael Grath. I’ll admit I was elected to Congress on my Republican family history. I was out to make a name for myself, until I met Jessie Clark, a spitfire Democrat.
She’d be my nemesis, if I could just stop thinking about her. We’ve got nothing and everything in common, but our past divides us. She made one choice; I made another, and we can’t reconcile the two because it’s an issue that divides America as well.

So like I said, we weren’t supposed to be friends, we weren’t even supposed to like each other, and we certainly weren’t supposed to fall in love.

Thoughts:  Michael and Jessie are both new members of Congress.  Michael is recently separated and going through a divorce and Jessie has never been married.  While their political opinions vary greatly, initially Michael and Jessie are given the opportunity to work together and grow closer.  Since Michael’s divorce isn’t finalized, they decide to keep the relationship a secret at the beginning.  They fall into place easily together.  They joke, talk, debate share their secrets and enjoy each other other.  Even when the couple takes their relationship out in the open, they don’t get the expected backlash from the media or their parties.  Everything changes when a bill is presented that touches on an important and person topic to Jessie.  Politically, Michael feels the exact opposite.  Personally, he agrees with Jessie, but he refuses to vote with her on the issues.  Can they reach a compromise on this issue?  What about future issues where they can’t see eye to eye?

While I do love politics and contemporary romance, this is my first political romance.  As politics can be a touchy subject, I wasn’t sure how this would work, but I was pleasantly surprised.  There were no witch-hunts in the story.  It was nice to see the banter in a non-judgemental way about both parties.  Michael was adorable in his way.  He was a genuinely good guy that made stupid decisions sometimes.  Jessie was a naturally sweet girl who also made stupid decisions at times.  While you won’t find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat with this book, you will catch yourself smiling at this satisfying romance.

Grade: A-/B+


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