Dark Lover by JR Ward -

Dark Lover by JR Ward

dark loverTitle: Dark Lover

Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood book 1

Author: JR Ward

Genre: Paranormal Romance

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there’s a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other – six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Yet none of them relishes killing more than Wrath, the leader of The Black Dagger Brotherhood.

The only purebred vampire left on earth, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who murdered his parents centuries ago. But, when one of his most trusted fighters is killed – leaving his half-breed daughter unaware of his existence or her fate – Wrath must usher her into the world of the undead – a world of sensuality beyond her wildest dreams.


I heard a lot about this series from different people in different venues: friends, Facebook, blogs, Goodreads lists…  but held off because vampires are not my “normal” genre.  Question to self: “why do I wait so long to listen to the hype about a good book or series??!!”  (and yes, yes I will admit that Heather was right… again!)

My advice? If you have not read JR Ward – go out NOW and buy this book and get started!!  I LOVED this first book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series!  I don’t know why I had vampire story lines pigeon holed a certain way but I did… WELL NO LONGER!   It helps that I am a sucker for a series and right now there are 11 books total and a 12th book coming soon.  I have the 2nd and 3rd on my shelf and ready to go!

What a fast paced ride Ward and this story took me on!  Lots of back story, learning a bunch of characters names and roles in the series and their future potential for next books, learning how these characters relate to Wrath and to Beth and who to root for… I will admit that I actually took notes.  It’s a little compulsive but since I admit it that makes it okay! Right?!  I kept referring to Goodreads to see who the next books were about and then held my breath and chanted “please don’t kill Butch, please don’t kill Butch” as his involvement in the story began to pick up!!

Bottom line – great story telling and flow to the book while feeding us a lot of info that I am sure is reiterated throughout the series. Lots of action – in and out of the bedroom – and red hot chemistry between Wrath and Beth.  Loved the interactions between these truly awesome alpha males that I cannot wait to read more about!!  Now bring on Rhage’s story!

Grade: A+

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  1. Jacqui Thomson

    This is an amazing book. I have book 3 to start but thought I would read some of the other books on my TbR list. I have to go back to the black dagger books as I just can’t get into anything else all I think about is reading the rest of the series

    1. Jeananna

      I’m the same way Jacqui… the pressure of the TBR list is always there! LOL I am on book 4 now and have 5 on my shelf ready to go. So GREAT!

  2. carjoh56

    I love the entire BDB series, it is must read, i have read the series several times and cant wait for the King to come out


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