Dark Swan by Gena Showalter -

Dark Swan by Gena Showalter

Title:  Dark Swan

Series:  Otherworld Assassin Book #2.5

Author:  Gena Showalter

Genre:  Romance, Paranormal

Blurb: The Alien Huntress series is back with fan favorite AIR agent Dallas Gutierrez from New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling paranormal romance author Gena Showalter, who doesn’t disappoint with this sizzling hot alpha hero.

Lilica Swan isn’t quite human or otherworlder; she is the best—and worst—of both.

She is willing to do whatever proves necessary to save her sister from the seductive and deadly Alien Investigation and Removal agent, Dallas Gutierrez, even bonding her lifeforce to his by effectively marrying him. But the bond will fade without consummation. Can Dallas resist his insatiable desire for the powerful beauty? Or will she lead to his ultimate downfall?

Favorite excerpt:  “I can think of three things you need right off the top of my head,” he said.

“Well.  Let’s hear them.”

“A spanking, a hug, and a good hard f@#k.”

Thoughts: So it’s been awhile since I read a book from this series, and it was always one of my favorites by Gena Showalter.  And trust me, this book will remind all of us what we have all been missing!  Instantly, your thrown back into the world that Showalter does so well and with characters we’ve been missing for so long.  Many of us love Dallas, so to get a book centered all on him?  Yes, please!  We also learn more about the Schon Queen, Trinity, and her sisters.  And Lilica is the perfect foil for Dallas, and one of my favorite characters. 

So, what are you waiting for?  You’re in for a treat with this one, so rush out and get your copy!

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