Darkest Whisper -

Darkest Whisper

The Darkest Whisper
Lords of the Underworld bk 4

Gena Showalter

He is the keeper of Doubt and his entire world’s about to be rocked.

Bound by the demon of doubt, Sabin unintentionally destroys even the most confident of lovers. So the immortal warrior spends his time on the battlefield instead of the bedroom, victory his only concern…until he meets Gwendolyn the Timid. One taste of the beautiful redhead, and he craves more.

Gwen, an immortal herself, always thought she’d fall for a kind human who wouldn’t rouse her darker side. But when Sabin frees her from prison, battling their enemies for the claim to Pandora’s box turns out to be nothing compared to the battle Sabin and Gwen will wage against love…

REVIEW: I have made no bones about the fact that I love all things Greek, so of course this is one of my favorite series.

How do you love someone when they are constantly whispering doubt into your mind? Sabin has given up on having anyone love him, nor does he want anyone to love him. All he wants is the next clue to the location of Pandora’s box.

Gwen is part Harpy however you would never know it look at her. She is afraid of everything and wants a normal life with a normal boy. When the normal boy can’t save her from the forces of evil that kidnap her, she still lives in a world of denial.

I loved watching these two come together. They are so different and yet so similar that it makes for a very good read. Gwen doesn’t want to be a warrior and so she fights Sabin, however when push comes to shove she of course joins right in.

Once again all the secondary characters were amazing, Gwen’s sisters and the other Lord’s with their significant others.

If you haven’t already picked up this series then I suggest that you do because it is one amazing series.

I give this book a 4.75 out of 5

You can purchase it here, here and here


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