Dead of Night Anthology -

Dead of Night Anthology

I wasn’t to sure about this book, and so I kept putting of reading it, and I wish that I hadn’t.

In Eternity in Death Eve has to go up against a murderer that has all the apperances of being a Vampire. Eve being Eve is at her pragmatic best, and Peabody being Peabody shows her fanicful side. This is a great read.

Amy and the Earl’s Amazing Adventure by Mary Blaney was a surprise to me. I have never read her and this was a sweet story.

Timeless by Ruth Ryan Langon. I loved this story about how a modern woman sent to the 15th century to discover what love is, and that true love is timeless

On the fringe by Mary Kay McComas is a great story. At the first I thought it was going to be a George Bailey like story, but this one was different. This one showed Bonnie what her life would be like if she had never met and married her life. The classic grass is greener on the other side story.

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