Deadly Pursuit by Nina Croft -

Deadly Pursuit by Nina Croft

cover49979-mediumTitle:  Deadly Pursuit

Series:  Blood Hunter Book #2

Author:  Nina Croft

Genre:  Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Blurb:   Breaking assassin Jonathon Decker out of a maximum-security prison on Trakis One seemed like a good idea at the time. Now, pursued across space by the two most powerful factions in the universe, the crew of El Cazador are having second thoughts. They’d like to give him back. Unfortunately, that is no longer an option.
Jon is used to working alone. Now, he’s stuck on the space cruiser El Cazador until he can work out just what he’s supposed to know that puts him on everybody’s most-wanted-dead list. He’s not happy that the crew includes a runaway priestess with designs on his virtue–such as it is. Jon likes women, but he gave up the role of protector a long time ago, and Alexia, High Priestess of the Church of Everlasting Life, is an accident waiting to happen.
After twenty-four excruciatingly boring years of doing her duty, Alex is finally having some fun. She never meant to run away–it was a rash impulse–and she means to go back–eventually. But first, she’s going to squeeze enough excitement out of the situation to last her a lifetime. And what could be more exciting than a stunningly gorgeous werewolf?
Meanwhile, the Church are chasing their missing priestess, and the Collective are pursuing their escaped assassin. Being hunted has never been more deadly…or more fun.

Thoughts:  Oddly enough, I started this series by reading them out of order – I read book #3, Death Defying, first before going back to read more from this author. If I’m being honest, I didn’t enjoy this one quite as much as Death Defying although this one was still a good book by the author. Nina Croft definitely has talent and imagination, as well as a way with words – which she exemplifies in both books. I enjoyed each one in their own right and it was interesting to go back and get some backstory on these characters I have gotten to know so well.

I also have Book #4 lined up to read, Temporal Shift – can’t wait!

Rate:  B

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