DFRAT Guest Post: Lillian Grant + giveaway -

DFRAT Guest Post: Lillian Grant + giveaway

Today we have Lillian Grant on talking about her journey with digital books and giving away a copy of her books Male Order and Male Review.

The Instant Gratification of the E-book

I am, by nature, a very impatient kind of girl. One of the greatest things about the rise of the E-book is the ability to buy it now. I’m sure I’m not the only one who reads a book and then wants the next one straight away. No longer do I have to wait until I can get to a bookstore, or add my name to the library’s waiting list. Instead I hit the E-book store with my Kindle and voila, a new book to read.

My impatience doesn’t just affect my habits as a book buyer but also as an author. I love working with a publisher, feeling part of a book publishing family with the love and support of a genius book publishing team. But waiting for a submission to be accepted, or more likely rejected, and then the time lag whilst you go through edits can be excruciating. The speed traditional publishers move at is positively pedestrian, hence my hesitation to submit to New York. Not all E-publishers are created equal but my experience with my current publisher Liquid Silver Books has been positively stellar. From submission to acceptance, and then on to publication, can be as short as five months. However, that doesn’t mean the books aren’t formatted or edited properly or that any old tripe is accepted. The bags under my eyes and the fact my lovely hubby has taken to hugging my pillow in bed instead of me is evidence enough of the hours I spent burning the midnight oil to get through edits so that my latest book Male Review, Reigning Men Volume Two was ready to launch on the unsuspecting public. Now, I just hope the unsuspecting public enjoys reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Male Review, Reigning Men Volume Two

Available from Liquid Silver Books 28 May.

A nymphomaniac octogenarian great aunt, a frigid mother, and a BDSM male strip club, what could possibly go wrong?

Sam Stephens and Meg Riley are in love, and finally on the cusp of sex anytime, anywhere, anyhow. That is until Meg’s Great Aunt Maud, the octogenarian nymphomaniac, gets tossed out of the old folk’s home and moves in with them, closely followed by her polar opposite, Meg’s scarily frigid mother.

When Meg’s best friend Laura convinces Aunt Maud to invest in Male Review, a BDSM themed male strip joint, it seems to be just one more step along the path to madness. Laura’s last venture ended with Meg being arrested as a pimp. When former prostitute Michael is hired as the bar manager the whole thing is surely destined for disaster. He’s to blame for the crazies invading Meg’s home and even worse, he still has the hots for her.

If she wants to get her life back all Meg needs to do is find a new home for Maud, resolve the dispute between her warring parents, keep Michael at arm’s length and rescue her relationship with Sam before it disintegrates completely. Male Review appears to be just one more problem to deal with, but perhaps it could provide an unexpected solution.


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1 Comment

  1. Carol

    Now that’s a unique plot line! That’s one of the advantages of e-publishing – more freedom to publish in sub-genres.


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