DFRAT Guest Post: Mandy M Roth & Michelle M Pillow -

DFRAT Guest Post: Mandy M Roth & Michelle M Pillow

Today we have two very talented authors on Mandy M. Roth and Michelle M. Pillow sharing their journey with digital publishing. We are giving away 2 copies of Realm Immortal 1: King of the Unblessed by Michelle M Pillow and Loup Garou by Mandy M Roth so don’t forget to leave them note. 

We have been in digital publishing before most people knew what an eBook was… long, long ago in the year 2004, in a galaxy, erm, okay this galaxy—when PDF and LIT formats reigned supreme and eReaders were but tiny glints in their creators’ eyes. We were launch authors with Samhain Publishing, a front runner in digital first publishing, and we were part of Ellora’s Cave as well as other e-first publishers (some which shall not be named—hey, we’re entitled to some hiccups along the way too).

We can still vividly recall having to explain to people what an electronic book was, and that it was indeed a “real” book only in digital format. Some were insistent that eBooks couldn’t be as good as a print book—even though most of our titles were both eBook and Print.

Fast forward eight years and eBooks are everywhere, eReaders have replaced many people’s bookshelves, and print sales have taken a back seat to digital sales. Publishers that once looked down their noses at the idea of digital first or digital at all are now scrambling to find their place in the rapidly expanding market.

It’s been an amazing trip, watching the eBook grow from the ground up. OK, we’ll admit. We look back at those people who tried to belittle what we did and laugh. We laugh hard. Some of them even ask us for tech help now and tips and tricks to getting their eBooks to sell. Which we sort of feel is irony at its finest.

To us a good story is a good story, no matter the format. EBooks allow the reader to carry around thousands of books in one lightweight device. The instant gratification factor comes into play with digital as well. See a book you like online and have it delivered wirelessly to your device in under a minute. That’s service! However, some people still prefer to hold a paperback in their hands. That’s the great thing about the age we live in—choices. We can choose paper or digital by way of eReader, cell phones, handheld tablet or computers. We’ll blink and someone will have created something else capable of reading digital formats. It’s an amazing time for the creative world and we’re thrilled to have been a part of it since the very beginning. And, we can’t wait to see where the ride takes us next.

To learn more about authors Mandy M. Roth and Michelle M. Pillow, visit them on the web:

The Raven Books – www.TheRavenBooks.com

Mandy M. Roth – www.MandyRoth.com

Michelle M. Pillow – www.MichellePillow.com

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  1. Mandy M. Roth

    Thanks for having us!

  2. Aurore

    It’s impressive to think about the changes that occurred in the publishing world during these last few years. I couldn’t live without my kindle now! I really can’t think of what will come next, what we have nowadays is already so amazing.
    Thank you for sharing your story with us.
    (No twitter and facebook accounts.)

  3. Carol

    I discovered many new authors through the e-book format and the digital book stores. Now that the books are so well accepted, it’s time for the digital bookstores to improve their shopping experience. Without blogs, such as this one, I would have a lot of trouble trying to find the books that I would like to read.

  4. Jennifer McCambridge

    Had to come by and read the blog and say hi. As always love the books. You both bo a amazing when it comes to writing. Keep those books coming. lol

  5. Linda

    Waiting for the day that geo restrictions will be done away with. I do hate Kindle! Being an international reader I can’t download just about everything.


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