DFRAT Guest Post: Samantha Ann King + giveaway -

DFRAT Guest Post: Samantha Ann King + giveaway

Today we have Samantha Ann King sharing how she became and e-book junkie and a bit about her book Sharing Haley. She is giving away a copy of Sharing Haley so don’t forget to comment. 

How I Became an E-book Junkie or Reader Discovers Miracle Weight Loss Program

 It was a day like any other. The never-ending needs of kids, pets, husband. I’d sneaked into my bedroom for a little me time with an anthology of romances I’d picked up at Borders (remember Borders?) because it had a novella in Kresley Cole’s IAD series. I had no idea that these were erotic romances. I didn’t even know the genre existed. The reads were so scorching I was immediately hooked and began looking for more. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot in print, and those that were—Spice, Samhain, and Ellora’s Cave—were trade paperbacks, so they were expensive. After two years of paying out the nose for Megan Hart, Sarah McCarty, and Lorelei James, I begged for an e-reader for Christmas. It’s the only time I’ve given my husband a Christmas list. And the only thing on that list was a Kindle.

On Christmas day 2010, I began mainlining books. I downloaded novels and novellas that weren’t available in print. I downloaded e-books of those expensive trade paperbacks and hardcovers. I still liked “the feel” of print, and I loved browsing bookstores, but my book of choice was digital. During that first year, I downloaded sixty-four e-books and bought nineteen paperbacks. I was well on my way to trading my print addiction for the hard stuff . . . e-books.

After a year of juggling Kindle and print, the convenience of my e-reader couldn’t be denied. I never ran out of books. Day or night, if I needed a fix I could instantly select and download a good read. My eyes started to get old, but with my Kindle, I could increase the font size to accommodate them. On vacation, I could take as many books as I wanted without adding bulk or weight to my luggage. I never lost my place in my e-reader. I could read without holding the book, which made exercise so much easier. I just sat the e-reader on the display panel of the elliptical or stationary bike. I even began looking forward to those dreaded exercise sessions and lengthened my workouts because that was the only time I got to read. As a result, I lost those last few stubborn pounds. (Yes, an e-reader is the miracle weight loss program that really works . . . for me!) Increasingly I was finding new authors who weren’t available in print. And those authors were writing incredible stories. Jeffe Kennedy, Callie Croix, and Jodie Griffin to name a few.

As I write this, it’s four and a half months into 2012. I’ve purchased thirty-seven e-books and one print. I have a stack of paperbacks that I bought when Borders went out of business last year. I might read them, but right now, it doesn’t look promising. Good news for those authors—I’ll probably end up buying the Kindle versions.

Samantha Ann King’s first book, Sharing Hailey, is an erotic romance and will be released on July 9, 2012 by digital first publisher, Carina Press. You can find Samantha at www.SamanthaAnnKing.com, Facebook, and Twitter.

Hailey Anderson’s deep, dark secret? She’s been madly in lust with her overprotective brother’s two best friends for years. Gorgeous woodworking artist Mark Allen and sexy doctor Tony Adamo have no idea they star in her fantasies every night.

After a nasty breakup with her abusive boyfriend, Hailey’s looking for a little distance. Headed for a two-week Hawaiian vacation with her brother and his hot friends, Hailey can’t wait to feast her eyes on Mark’s and Tony’s rock-hard, ocean-slick bodies. Even if she can’t touch.

But instead of treating her like their little sister, Mark and Tony have a surprising proposition: a monogamous ménage à trois. The three of them—and no one else. Both men want Hailey and have agreed to share her. The red-hot reality is even better than the forbidden fantasy. Until Hailey’s ex threatens their newfound happiness…

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  1. Rosie

    I too am a kindle bookaholic. I am addicted to freebies, but still purchase many books, especially those priced affordably. I hate when kindle books are more $$ than print ones. On principal alone, I refuse to buy those (but will read a library version). Your book WILL be on my TBR list 😉 But I still hope I win!!!

  2. Samantha

    Thanks! I’m with you on pricing. If the ebook is more than the print, I won’t buy it either.

  3. ClaudiaGC

    I love e-novellas! So nice to have a quick read without another book on your shelf. I’m also a Kindle addict and wouldn’t want to part with it ever again. 🙂

    1. Samantha

      That’s one of the great things about ebooks–the variety of story lengths!

  4. Carol

    I’ve been reading e-books for a few years now and buy more books than I ever used to. I still read some paperbacks and get books from the library especially books from the big publishers – cheaper than buying the e-book during book store promotions.

    1. Samantha

      Thanks to the convenience of shopping for ebooks, I’ve busted my book budget. And yesterday, I gave my daughter a Kindle for her summer AP History reading. Could be dangerous!

  5. Fiona Marsden

    I will always have stacks of paper books because I love vintage romance. But more and more my new books are ebooks. Certainly saves on shelf space and travele convenience can’t be beaten.

    1. Samantha

      I haven’t been able to part with my print research books . . . yet. 🙂

  6. Trix

    Kindle books didn’t feel real to me at first, but they’ve really grown on me. Especially since my house still looks like a paper mill exploded. 🙂 The book looks fab!

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