Excerpt Reveal: Ink Exposed by Carrie Ann Ryan -

Excerpt Reveal: Ink Exposed by Carrie Ann Ryan

The stunning cover of INK EXPOSED by Carrie Ann Ryan was revealed yesterday,

and today we’re thrilled to bring you a first look

at what’s between the covers of INK EXPOSED today!


InkExposed300 (1)About INK EXPOSED

The Montgomery Ink series continues with the brother that deserves a second chance, and the woman who has always loved him.

Alex Montgomery lost his first love and then proceeded to leave himself in the bottle. Only he and his ex-wife truly know why he fell so hard and so fast down a path he never thought he’d take. Now he’s clean, out of rehab, and learning how to be a Montgomery once again—a task that isn’t quite as easy as some of his family assumes.

Tabby Collins is an honorary Montgomery and the organizational mastermind behind Montgomery Inc., the family’s construction company. She loves her planners, friends, and a certain dark-haired man who’s never given her a second glance.

Alex is slowly re-immersing himself back into the world, but the demons he faced before aren’t out of the picture, and he’ll have to learn to rely on others to make it out whole. When Alex discovers that Tabby’s life is in danger, he not only finds a way to help her but also learns the true woman behind the soft smiles he’s always seen. Their romance won’t be an easy one, but nothing this passionate and heart-pounding ever is.

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INK EXPOSED releases November 29th – preorder now!

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Get your first look at INK EXPOSED:

“Mrs. Montgomery?”

Alex turned at the sound of the soft voice behind him, his heart suddenly beating just a bit faster though he didn’t know why.

Tabitha moved toward them, a hesitant smile on her face as she studied the two of them. She wore her light auburn hair up high in a ponytail though he was pretty sure at one point she’d been a blonde. It might have just been the trick of light. He couldn’t quite remember much of the past couple of years if he were honest with himself. She was a little above average in height and all legs—legs he’d checked out more than once in the past year.

But he’d always pushed those thoughts aside like would do now. He was in recovery damn it and though he was past the year mark that most people suggested addicts wait to start a relationship, he knew that Tabitha wouldn’t be the woman he started up with once he was ready.

She worked with his brothers, Storm and Wes, at Montgomery Inc. She was the administrative assistant for the construction company his parents had started before he was born and he was pretty sure ran the company to the efficient standards it held. Wes might be super organized and diligent, but Alex knew Wes and Storm wouldn’t be able to function without Tabitha.

“Tabby!” His mother moved forward and brought the other woman into her arms.

Tabitha smiled fondly, this time not as hesitant, and hugged his mother back. “Hi, Mrs. Montgomery. I thought I’d come a bit early and see if you needed help cooking today. Mr. Montgomery let me in.”

Alex stuffed his hands in his pockets and watched the way his mother fawned over Tabitha. He couldn’t really blame her either. There wasn’t a bad bone in Tabitha’s body and every time he saw her she was always put together and helping someone. He didn’t know if she had anyone at home waiting for her or family around here, but he knew the Montgomerys had taken her in anyway. They tended to do that to anyone they liked and admired near enough to their web.

“How many times have I asked you to call me Marie, Tabby?” Marie held Tabitha’s hands and shook her head though he could tell his mother was smiling.

“Every time I see you, but I have a bad habit I can’t seem to shake.” Tabitha looked up and over at Alex and smiled though it wasn’t the same smile she’d giving his mother and he couldn’t quite read it. “Hi, Alexander.”

“Hi.” He always found it weird that they were the only ones that called each other by their full names but it had been one of those things that had stuck years ago and he didn’t know how to change it. And frankly, he didn’t want to.


About Carrie Ann Ryan

Carrie Ann Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary and paranormal romance. Her works include the Montgomery Ink, Redwood Pack, Talon Pack, and Gallagher Brothers series, which have sold over 2.0 million books worldwide. She started writing while in graduate school for her advanced degree in chemistry and hasn’t stopped since. Carrie Ann has written over fifty novels and novellas with more in the works. When she’s not writing about bearded tattooed men or alpha wolves that need to find their mates, she’s reading as much as she can and exploring the world of baking and gourmet cooking.

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