Failure To Stop by Terry Towers -

Failure To Stop by Terry Towers

24613348Title:  Failure To Stop

Series:  N/A

Author:  Terry Towers

Genre:  Romance

Blurb:   Since when did the procedure for giving someone a ticket for running a stop sign include a very hands-on pat-down against the hood of my car, not even giving me a chance to see his face? I swear, cop or not he’s getting very close to getting Tasered; my hand was mere inches from the Taser in my open purse. But despite the high inappropriateness of his pat-down there was something very familiar about the way he was touching me – even the scent of his cologne triggered familiarity.

I never dreamed when the inappropriate, yet highly erotic frisking was over that I’d be standing face to face with my former high school sweetheart, town troublemaker and love of my life Devon Land. But there he was with a cocky smirk, looking sexier than I remembered and thoroughly enjoying my surprise.

One big mistake cost me the upscale life in New York I’d grown to love, forcing me to return home to Alabama. I swore I’d never move back to my small town, I’d outgrown it, but with a temptation like Devon intent on reminding me of the life I’d once left behind its becoming a challenge to leave a second time.

Thoughts:  This is my first book by this author, but when I read the blurb for this book, I just had to read it! It was cute little story that reminded me a little bit of the movie Sweet Home Alabama as I was reading it – in fact, I kept adding the little Southern ‘twang’ that Reese Witherspoon used for the character to Violet. Of course, there are differences – Violet, for example, left New York because her boss wound up being a married man who (guess what?) really wasn’t getting a divorce from his wife like he said he was. I know, shocking right? Needless to say, that puts an end to the relationship and the job, forcing her back home – temporarily at least. In the end, can her old love Devon convince her that back home is exactly where she has always belonged?

Again, this was a cute book, and only novella length so it really just gave you a taste of what this author is capable of. To be honest though, after the ‘pat-down’ that drew you into the book, everything else is a little tame and meh in comparison…;)

Rate:  B

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