Fan Letter Blog Crawl -

Fan Letter Blog Crawl

I have known about this for almost a month but I haven’t been able to decide which author I wanted to write this letter to..there are so many to choose from, so many that have had an impact in my life in some way. I finally settled on one, and the one that I choose may come as a surprise to some, but this is who I am writing to. After reading two of the letters that have already been written I have to say that I am glad I decided on who I did as two of the authors that I was thinking about have already been written.

Dear Julie Garwood,

Words cannot express how much your books have come to mean to me over the years. I started reading you when I was in high school and your Pagan Series had come out. How I loved that series, and the lengths that people would go to protect those that they loved. Then I read The Secret, I can’t tell you how many dreams I had as a teen-ager dreaming that I was Judith and that Iain was my man. With each book you wrote you swept me away on a journey of love and discovery. For each of your books was a book of discovery, of discovering just how strong the heroine could be, how the men that loved them would help them become who they were suppose to be. I wanted to be one of your heroines. I cheered when Johanna confronted her abusive ex-husband, and when Taylor shot the rabbit in frustration over Lucas’s behavior. And who can forget Brodrick and Ramsey and the women that finally felled them. Jaime and Alec, I have enjoyed them so much that it is time to get a new book (or so my sister that just returned it says)

Then there was the Clayborne’s a family that had made themselves a family from nothing. Of all the books that you have written this series is the one that is the closest to my heart. I fell in love with Cole Clayborne in For the Roses and a little bit more with each book about his brothers, and then there was his book Come the Spring, that moment when he had to shoot and risk hitting Jessie was priceless. I have read my copy so many times that is in need of repair.

When you started writing your contemporaries I was sadden as I love your historicals so much, but then I noticed something… the last names of your characters. Was it a coincidence that the FBI families last name was Buchanan and they were of Scottish descent, and then there was Noah Clayborne the partner, who had a great-grandfather that was a US Marshall and from Montana originally. I remember getting the email response from you when I emailed to ask if these were the descendants of your beloved historicals telling me that yes they were and I was the first person to ask you that. Noah and Jordan and Kate and Dylan I think are my two favorite of the Buchanan’s. The way that they came together was great to watch. The moment when Jordan’s dad saw how much she meant to Noah is one of my favorite moments of all your books. I loved how in the end of Sizzle we find out who Sam is a descendant of (his last name should be a clue) and that he loves to play rugby (my families sport of choice).

With each of your books I have been swept away to the Highland’s of Scotland, the Wild West, Regency England and into the world of the FBI and loved every minute of it.

When I pick up one of your books I know that I will be in for an amazing adventure, and feel like I have just been reunited with friends that I haven’t seen in a long time.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us, and introducing us to amazing heroines and hero’s and their journey to love and happily ever after.


Don’t forget to check out yesterday’s letter from Kati to Nalini Singh and check in tomorrow at Jenre-WellRead to see who they wrote to..


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  1. Aurian

    Ooo what a sweet letter! I’ve read some of her historicals as a young girl, and loved loved loved those Roses. I guess it is past time I started on her contemporary / suspense ones.

  2. Erotic Horizon

    Lovely lovely Letter…

    I have HEARTBREAKER right on my desk here to get to…..

    Ms. Garwood is a sure thing kind of author for me – I know I am going to love everything I read from her…

    Lovely letter…


  3. Kris

    I’ve such fond memories of Julie Garwood’s historicals. Thank you for prompting them via your letter, Heather. 🙂

  4. Patti (Book Addict)

    I read The Bride by accident (I let my kid pick a book off the shelf to keep her quiet so I could browse) and never looked back. Love, love, love her historicals. They’re on my keeper shelf.

    Great letter!

  5. orannia

    Heather, that is one fantastic letter. I’m ashamed to say I’ve read very few of Julie Garwood’s historical novels (and none of her contemporaties) apart from Prine Charming, which is a definite keeper. This is probably a silly question, but…where would be a good place to start please?

  6. Kassa

    Ahh I do so love Julie Garwood. I remember how much I cherished her historicals and still do. These days I read so much more m/m romance than m/f but Garwood is firmly on the keeper shelf and not going anywhere. Your letter reminds me of all the reasons why I should pick them up again.

    Great letter and thanks for participating!

  7. Kaetrin

    I picked up a few of Julie Garwood’s historicals at my local USB a while back after hearing so many raves about her work. I really must move them up the TBR! 🙂

  8. Lea

    Hi Heather:

    Wow, Ms. Garwood’s books bring back memories. I read her early work years ago and enjoyed every one of her historical romances.

    Excellent letter! Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  9. MichelleKCanada

    Oh how I heart Julie Garwood too! Top 3 authors of all time!

    I found your blog from Fiction Vixen so I had to check it out. I do book reviews as well and I sent my link to Julie Garwood on one of the books I reviewed. AND SHE REPLIED!! I squee’d!! I copy and pasted her reply as a blog post that is how freaking excited I was lol

    Anyhow, very nice blog and I’ll be back to visit!


  10. Pingback: Author Fan Letter Blog Crawl – 2011 « three am

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