Finding Perfect/Giveaway -

Finding Perfect/Giveaway

Finding Perfect by Susan Mallery
Fool’s Gold bk 3

We were introduced to Fool’s Gold in “Chasing Perfect” with Josh and Charity, and fell in love with this small town. Came back for Ethan & Liz’s story in “Almost Perfect” had a brief glimpse into the lives of Katie & Jackson “Howie” “Sister of the Bride” in Summer Brides now for the best of them all “Finding Perfect”!

This is Pia’s story, we fell in love with her from the beginning, she was the one who you could see as your best friend, she had the right amount of humor, honesty and toughness. Pia feels that she has no motherly instinct of any kind and is freaked out in the first book when her best friend Cryastl has her taking care of her cat, in this book she is given a bigger challenge, we find out that Chrystal has left her embryos to Pia knowing that she will do the right thing, what that is Pia has no idea. Her life has just been thrown into turmoil and the person who happens to always be there to see it is Raoul – if you have read the Bakery Sisters trilogy you will recognize him right away, we am so glad Susan gave him a story.

Rauol has always wanted a family of his own and Pia and the babies as the perfect opportunity, it doesn’t hurt that he finds her attractive and the sexual chemistry between them is off the charts. They just have to deal with all the past emotional junk that they are both carrying around.

Or course there is a lot that happens between the decision to be a parent and finding the love of their lives but you need to read these for yourself. So if you have a few hours and want to escape into Fool’s Gold and the citizens there this is the perfect book for you. We do know that I am looking forward to seeing what Ms. Mallery will be giving us next.

One lucky commenter will win all three Perfect books – Chasing Perfect, Almost Perfect & Finding Perfect – contest will be open until Wednesday

rating 4.5 of 5

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  1. Dawn ♥ romance

    I'd love to win. Susan Mallery has been on my TBR list. Please count me in.

    d53a @ aol.com

  2. bc2mc3

    Anxiously await each and every book. I wish it was out TODAY!! or at least tomorrow :). Can't stand waiting another whole week. I would love to win this book also!

  3. Katt

    thanks! going book shopping tomorrow so you've helped a bunch.

  4. Johanna R Jochum

    I love Susan Mallery. These books have ben on my wish list for awhile now! Thanks!

  5. krazymama_98

    Have never read one of hers. But they do look like they might be good. 🙂

  6. joanna

    I Loved Almost perfect it was my favorite in the series so far. hopefully finding perfects better!! I cant wait to see whats become of raoul.

  7. Melanie

    If you loved Almost Perfect you will really LOVE Finding Perfect, I think it was the best out of all of them.

    Good lucky everyone!

  8. Jane

    I love Susan's books. Great giveaway.

  9. Scorpio M.

    I am new to Mallery's work but this sounds like a great series.

  10. Kim and Tony Miller

    pick me pick me pick me! These sound great!

  11. Heather

    krazymama My favorite Susan book is Falling For Gracie.


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