Fire Bound by Christine Feehan -

Fire Bound by Christine Feehan

fire boundTitle: Fire Bound
Series: Sea Haven/Sisters of the Heart bk 5
Author: Christine Feehan
Genre: Paranormal

Flame-haired Lissa Piner is a skilled glass blower whose delicate gift conceals a burning inner strength that can destroy as exquisitely as it can create. Commissioned to design chandeliers for a string of luxury hotels, her remarkable skills have taken her to Italy. But Lissa’s real mission there is a secret. For her entire life has been a lie, leading to a chance to avenge a terrible wrong.

Enlisted as her bodyguard is Casmir Prakenskii, a trained assassin living off the grid. In Lissa, he sees a kindred spirit—something unexpected and wicked, mysterious and sensual. But more than desire is about to bring them together: because both of their pasts cry out for revenge. And for two people with this many secrets, this much passion, and this many enemies, someone is bound to get burned.

Thoughts: This was the book that I’ve been waiting for in this series. 

  • We FINALLY get to see all the Prakenskii brothers together…kind of. All of them are in this book and interact with Casmir. And having FINALLY met all of them I can safely say that Ilya is still my favorite.
  • There’s a lot more to Lissa than we’ve seen and not all of it’s pretty.
  • She’s really, really, really pissed off at her brothers-in-law when she discovers Casmir is tailing her.
  • My heart hurt for both of them as they were old enough to remember everything that happened to their families and we relive those memories with them.
  • Like all the other books in this series the sex is holy freaking hot and then some.
  • Lissa isn’t scared of Victor the oldest Prakenskii brother who is scary as F.
  • Lissa and Casmir end one of the story arc’s in this series and set up the ending to the other major story arc in it.
  • Based on what Victor tells Lissa and Casmir I have a feeling there will be another spin-off series and I’m slightly intrigued by.
  • One of the better books in this series and I can’t wait for the last one as I suspect there will be some FIREWORKS between the two main characters…and their siblings.

Grade B

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