For the Love of Mollie -

For the Love of Mollie

For the Love of Mollie

KT Grant

I love discovering new authors and especially if it is one of their first works. KT Grant is a debut author and I have to say that based on this book she has a great talent and is going to be going places.

I have to say that one of the things I liked best about this book was that I saw a lot of myself in Mollie. I have a lot of the same weight issues that she has, and never really feel comfortable in my skin ever since I put my weight on.

Mike is also a lot like Connor in that he loves me for me, even with all my hang ups like Connor loves Mollie. Connor is one of those really yummy athletic type men that we all stop and take a second and sometimes third look. He takes one look at Mollie and falls for her.

Okay now that I think on it KT have you been snooping in my marriage? I really think that you have.

Back to the review. There is a lot of hot yummy sex in this book so be prepared to have your laptop smoking! You will never look at some things the same way again, no I am not going to tell you what things, I will let you discover them all on your own.

One of the things that I loved about this book was that Mollie didn’t want to get to be a size 2 she wanted to be healthy, and get to smaller two digit size.

There was one thing that bugged me and I had to read it several times to make sure that I had read it right and that was when Connor opens the door to Mollie and what he was wearing. I have to say that that description pulled me out of the story for a minute, but I got right back into it.

Tune in tomorrow for our Special Reporter Demon Sheep Mho and his interview with KT Grant

I give this book a 4 out of 5.

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1 Comment

  1. Leanne Dyck

    Um, I wonder what he was wearing. You've hooked me. : )


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