Fury by Laurann Dohner -

Fury by Laurann Dohner

Title: Fury

Series: New Species

Author: Laurann Dohner

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Book 1 in the New Species series. Ellie is horrified to discover the pharmaceutical company she works for is doing illegal experiments. Company scientists have spliced human and animal DNA, creating exotic new species. One such “experiment” captures her heart and she’ll do anything to save him—even if he hates her for it. Fury has never known compassion or love. He’s spent his life in a cell, chained and abused by humans. The one woman he allowed himself to trust betrayed him. Now he’s free and set on vengeance. He vows to end her life but when she’s finally in his grasp, harming her is the last thing he wants to do to the sexy little human. Fury can’t resist Ellie—the touch of her hands, her mouth on his skin, her body wrapped around his. He’s obsessed with the scent of his woman. And Ellie wants Fury—always has. She craves his big, powerful body and wants to heal his desolate heart.  But loving Fury is one thing…taming him is another. Reader Advisory: This story contains the heartrending aftermath of a rape scene involving a captive male. Another scene involves capture and forced touching by a hurt, vengeful Fury.

When I first started reading this book the first thing I thought of that it had a Lora Leigh Breeds type feel to it.  After reading it a bit further – the book ended up having its own flair to it, and I wanted to keep reading.

Ellie works in the lab that holds Fury and performs experiments and other horrors on the New Species.  The New Species is a mix of part human and part animal.  The New Species have been mixed with everything from domestic cat and dog to other wild animals.  At the beginning of the book Fury is being assaulted by another male – there is a disclaimer at the beginning of the book on this rape scene.  I did not have a problem with this scene – but for other readers it might be a little disturbing.

My likes with this book are:

  1. Fury – total Alpha Male who has eyes only for Ellie.  Even though he has issues with her from when she worked at the lab.
  2. The New Species themselves – animal tendencies with human looks.
  3. The world that is built by Dohner – pretty good start to an interesting series.

My dislikes are:

  1. The bad guys – they were one dimensional and kind of hill billyish.  Even the nurse at the end was just weird.  Ellie and Fury should have sent her packing from the minute they saw her.
  2. The world building could have been more detailed.  The book just starts out with the assault scene, and then moves on from there.  We don’t know what all really happened while they were in the lab or even how they were created or born.
  3. No matter what – this series will be compared to Lora Leigh’s Breed series.  It might be a plus for the author’s book sales, but she might get some bad reviews because of it.

I read this book in about 2 days – which means that it held my interest and I wanted to keep reading.  The sex scenes are good, but not spectacular.  I will be reading the next book in this series, but if it stays with the same formula – I will move on.

Rating:  B-/C+

Other books in the series…




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