Getting what you want by Kathy Love -

Getting what you want by Kathy Love

Rating 4
Getting what you want by Kathy Love
NOTE TO SELF: Remind me to have my head examined. What exactly possessed me to come home to Millbrook, Maine, where nothing changes but the weather? Oh, right. A six-month grant to do genetics research at Rand laboratories. What can I say—I’m a smart girl. And smart girls get what they need and get out again. Smart girls don’t dream, they settle. And smart girls do not get completely tongue-tied while holding a basket of fried clams when they bump into the most gorgeous man they haven’t seen in fifteen years: Chase Jordan.
Remind me to have my hormones removed. Chase Jordan. Town bad boy. Rebel with a cause to show up in my dreams unannounced. Oh boy, this is not good. Not smart. It’s like high school all over again. But in a good way. A heart-thumping way. An I-have-no-idea-what’s-going-to-happen way. A way that’s making me feel like maybe settling for what I have isn’t so smart…but really going after what I want is the craziest thing I may ever do..
Review: I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick and easy read. The story is one that we can all relate to. The heroine having to come to terms with the people that tormented her in school and realizing that they have grown up and changed just a she has. The hero hiding a secret that he thinks will make not just her but everyone pity him. By then end I was rooting for them and all of those that had been horrible to her but had grown up and were good people. This is the first book in the triology and I have to say that I can hardly wait to read the next two books in the series. I enjoyed the author so much with this book that I bought another book of hers that wasn’t in this series.

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