Interview with Nash Barrons from Carly Phillips Destiny + giveaway -

Interview with Nash Barrons from Carly Phillips Destiny + giveaway

Today we are being joined by Nash Barron. In case you have missed who Nash is, he’s the brother of Ethan, Dare and Tess Barron, and the hero of the book Destiny by Carly Phillips. Nash agreed to come on today and answer our questions.


TBRG: Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

NB: It galls me to admit this but my oldest brother Ethan.  Everything I’ve done in my life, good or bad, has been either to be like him when we were younger or to be the opposite of him after he left home at 18. My life seems to be defined by Ethan’s behavior … which I think explains my anger towards him.

TBRG: What is the one thing your readers would be the most surprised to know about you?

NB: I’m not a bad guy just because I don’t worship at St Ethan’s feet.  I’ve stepped up and I’ve been the adult since Ethan took off.  I did everything I could for my younger brother Dare.  I snuck him clothes in foster care, brought him extra food, and watched out for him.

TBRG: Where is the one place you have always wanted to go, a place on your bucket list?

NB: I’ve never left Serendipity except for college.  I think I’d like to see London, Big Ben, maybe travel Europe.

TBRG: Who’s your favorite author to read?

NB: John Grisham.  I like lawyer stories.

TBRG: What book are you reading now?

NB: The Litigator by John Grisham

TBRG: If you weren’t a lawyer what would you be?

NB: I followed in my adopted father’s footsteps. They gave me so much I wanted them to be proud. I never let myself think beyond that so I really don’t know.

TBRG: What is your guilty pleasure?

NB:  Sneaking around with Kelly behind Tess’ back.  What kind of question is that?

TBRG: Who is on your playlist?

NB: No idea. Kelly put it together for me.

TBRG: If you had a day to do whatever you wanted what would you do?

NB: Really? Spend the day with Kelly. And not all of it in bed either.  Maybe a good part of it. Then I’d take her for a romantic dinner.  Or maybe I’d spirit her off to Manhattan for the day.  A carriage ride and then a show and dinner, then the night at a luxurious hotel.  She deserves that.

TBRG: How’s your relationship with your brothers now?

NB: As this story is told, not so great.  I’m odd man out and it sucks.  Dare’s come around and hangs out with Ethan and Faith, Tess still doesn’t want to like me, and I’m suffering.  I can’t tell you how things progressed with my brothers after Destiny because I’ll ruin the story!

TBRG: How did you feel about Carly telling your story?

NB:  She didn’t give me a choice.  She pushed and prodded and invaded my privacy.  She made me look at my emotions and feelings … and really what guy wants to do that?

TBRG: Using 3-5 adjectives how would you describe yourself?

NB:  Loyal, upstanding, … ok maybe a little uptight.  Can’t think of more.  What’s with these questions anyway?

TBRG: Using 3-5 adjectives how would you describe your siblings?

NB: Pains in the Ass – that’s four words.  Good for you?

TBRG: Using 5 adjectives how would you describe Kelly?

NB: Hot; smart; gorgeous; understanding; and did I say hot?

TBRG: What do you love most about Kelly?

NB: She puts up with me. ‘Nuff said.

TBRG: What do you think is going to happen to Dare when his story is told?

NB: Since I know what happens and can’t tell … well here’s a hint.  Dare has more secrets than I knew about – and after he blows my world apart in DESTINY – he’s got to pull his life together in KARMA.  How he does that when faced with his past? You’ll have to wait until May to find out.

If you haven’t read Nash’s book then you need to rectify this immediately.

***Now for the really cool part Carly is giving away a copy of the book that started it all Serendipity (Nash’s brother Ethan’s story) all you have to do is leave a message for Carly telling her why you love her books (my idea not her’s). This is open to EVERYONE!***

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  1. TrishJ

    I LOVED this interview with Nash. Cant wait to find out more. I love Carl books b/c they have everything from humor to gut wrenching moments. You make me laugh, cry and sigh. But we know that no matter what kind of journey we take, we have a HEA. And i LOVE Destiny.

  2. Janon

    Very Cute interview! I LOVE Carly’s books! She’s one of my favorite authors. Congrats on this book release – looks like it’s already doing great with reviews and sales!

  3. Anne the librarian

    I love Carly’s they are romantic and refreshing like sweet tea on a hot day!

  4. Lori

    Adorable interview! I know I can count on Carly’s books for an afternoon of great entertainment. What more can you ask?

  5. Julie

    This interview was so cute! I like Carly’s books because they’re so much fun. You can always count on a good time.

  6. Sharon Duff

    Love the interview! Carly’s characters are so real I feel as if I know each of them. I have 23 of her books in my “keeper” library, but have not yet begun to read the Seredipity series. (Hint, hint)

  7. Phoenix Carvelli

    I love the believable characters in Carly’s books. I can’t wait to read this series!

  8. ClaudiaGC

    The interview was great! I can’t really say why I like Carly’s books. They just make me feel good and I can’t get enough of them! 🙂

  9. KellyM

    This interview made me laugh! I loved Ethan in the first book, but was not a big fan of Nash. I just wanted him to forgive or at least bend a little. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens in Destiny. I love Carly’s books because they usually make me laugh & cry. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. erinf1

    Thanks for a fantastic “interview”! I haven’t had a chance to read any of Carly’s work, but this series has been getting such wonderful reviews all over, I’ve added it to my wishlist 🙂 I’ve been looking for a new contemporary author and this looks wonderful!!! Thanks again!

  11. Aurore

    Thank you for this interview, I really like it when the characters are interviewed like this! I haven’t read any of Carly’s book yet, but I got 2 of her novels for Christmas and I’m really looking forward to reading them!
    (I don’t have facebook and twitter accounts)

  12. Kim

    Great interview!! I like this series because you have 3 siblings who went through the same thing, but have 3 different points of view.

  13. Shelley B

    I love how each sibling has different demons to conquer. It will be great to see how they all come together in the end. I just know they will all get a HEA. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. bn100

    Carly’s books are great because they’re very well written and entertaining.

  15. Christy

    Great interview! I enjoy reading these.

  16. Yadira A.

    Carly’s a new-to-me author, so I have yet to read any of her work, but they do sound really good. Thanks for the giveaway!



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