10 Reasons Why I Can't be Writing this Post by Shiloh Walker + giveaway -

10 Reasons Why I Can’t be Writing this Post by Shiloh Walker + giveaway

Ten Reasons Why I Can’t Be Writing This Post:

  1. I don’t know what to blog about…guest blogging gets to be kinda tricky after a little white, ya know.  If you don’t want to do that boring spiel where you go…BUY MY BOOK NOW! It gets hard figuring out what to say.
  2. I have a book to edit.  It’s due January 4.  It’s 12/30.  I’ve still got 200 pages to go.  Ouch.
  3. I have a book to finish revising so I can try to sell it.
  4. I have a book to finish writing.  It’s due 3/1.
  5. It’s 4:20, my kids will be home in just over an hour and we’re going to the mall, so I need to get as much writing done as I can.
  6. If I cleverly try to ramble about something, you all will figure it out and then I’ll just look silly.
  7. I spent 4 hours writing in a coffee shop today and came home to find boxes of books and bookmarks on the front porch and I haven’t done anything but haul them inside.  I need to put them up.
  8. I haven’t cleaned my office in so long, I can’t remember what it looks like cleaned.  It’s kind of sad, really.
  9. I’m pretty sure my husband just texted me about what we’re doing tonight, even though I already talked to him about the mall thing, and now I need to text him back.
  10. I’m not sure what to blog about that will entice you to go out and buy my book, ya know…without that heavy handed…BUY MY BOOK thing.


How about I just post a snippet instead. 🙂


“You know what. You’re not shielding. I can see it. Shield up or you’ll be a mess before I even get you to her room.” His voice lowered when she tensed and tried to pull away.

“You don’t get to boss me around anymore, Jones.”

She tried once more to pull away, but this time he herded her into a narrow dip in the wall. A quick glance showed that it led to the chapel. She glared up at him. To her surprise, he was glaring back, his pale blue eyes glittering at her, and his normally emotionless face was anything but. “I’m not trying to boss you around, damn it. You’re walking around looking like you’ve got death dancing on your shoulders and you’re not doing shit to stop it. Should I just ignore it?”

“What does it matter to you?” She shouldn’t be looking at him. She told herself that, told herself to look away, to look anywhere but at him. She couldn’t, though. She couldn’t look away from his eyes. Swallowing, she rested her head against the wall and repeated, “What does it matter to you?”

A heavy breath rushed out of him, his shoulders rising and falling. His blue eyes, so fiery hot and so unlike the cool, icy professionalism she was used to seeing, bored into hers. “Just shield up, damn it.” Then he shoved off the wall and stalked away.

Immediately, Dez sagged a few inches and covered her face with her hands. Damn it. What in the hell . . . Damn it. Her knees were shaking. Her belly felt all tight and hot and jittery, and damned if she knew why.

You damn well do know—

No. She wasn’t thinking about that—

She took a deep breath and lowered her hands. Then she looked up and gasped when she realized Taylor had returned, silently. One hand came, curled over the back of her neck. “This is why it matters, damn it.” He hauled her against him and as his mouth crushed against hers, her brain clicked off, shut down . . .


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About the book…



FBI Special Agent Taylor Jones has made it his mission to save those in harm’s way by any means necessary—including employing psychic agents like Desiree “Dez” Lincoln, who can communicate with the disembodied spirits of the dead. Taylor is haunted by his own ghost, his kid sister, gone missing at age six. For a quarter of a century he has been tortured by her loss and the mystery of her disappearance.


When Dez is seriously wounded, Taylor can no longer hide his feelings for her. Getting involved could spell disaster for both of them—not to mention those who rely on them for help—but once Dez lays her hands on him, he can’t resist the fierce attraction. But after giving in to his desires, Taylor pulls back, and Dez strikes out on her own.


Responding to the call of another anguished spirit, Dez is led to Taylor’s old hometown. As the two are forced to come together to save a girl in peril, Dez may be able to help Taylor finally find the answers he’s been looking for…

Praise for The Missing

“Suspense that can rip your heart open and leave you raw.”—Errant Dreams Reviews

****Now for the really fun part. We are giving away a copy of The Departed to one commenter. Simply leave Shiloh a message and follow the contest rules**** 

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  1. TrishJ

    WOW. I would LOVE to win a copy of your book. i followed the contest rules. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. Viki S.

    I’d be so happy to take a copy of The Departed off your hands :). I loved The Missing and can’t wait to read this one.
    Don’t you just love that Shiloh is able to do SO much? It amazes me how so many authors can accomplish so many tasks each day. I really have no idea how they can possibly do it all and still sleep.
    Thank you so much for the giveaway.


  3. Patricia Sargeant

    I just wanted to give a shoutout to a fabulous author and an even better person. Loved the excerpt, Shiloh!

    Best wishes for continued success!


  4. cindy

    I hjave read many of Shiloh’s book and if I don’t win a copy, I will buy it. Love the writing style.

  5. donnas

    Great excerpt! Cant wait to read more.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  6. Sue P.

    So want to read this book, so of course would be very fun to win my copy! Thanks for the insight and the giveaway!

  7. Stacy Wilson

    Great excerpt! Loved the blog, too.

    Thanks for sharing this!

    Stacy Wilson

    dragn_lady at yahoo dot com

  8. Betsy McAvoy

    i want the book, hope i can win it

  9. Gail S

    The Departed sounds like another great story! The excerpt is such a small tease! I added it to my TBB list 🙂
    Thanks for a chance to win (fingers crossed).

  10. MaDonna Young Lemmen

    Looking forward to reading this book 🙂

    Thanks for doing the give away ♥


  11. Gail S

    opps….I forgot to give you my email: gsryley(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. Melissa Lamb

    I would love to win a copy of this book! I loved “The Missing” and can’t wait to read “The Departed”! Thanks for the giveaway!!! 🙂


  13. Stephanie Walters-Rowe

    I enjoy all of your books and am looking forward to reading The Departed. I thought Dez had had enough hutzpah in The Missing to merit her own book. I love kick ass female leads.

  14. cindy

    Ok, you probably have it but, Zobac02@gmail.com I want tHis book, please!

  15. bn100

    I enjoyed reading the post and the excerpt. The book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway.


  16. bn100

    I also don’t have Facebook or Twitter accounts.

  17. Lily

    Well…hello! Thx for zee giveaway! Grreat excerpt! I hope I vin!
    ninjamoonstar @gmail

  18. desiree


  19. Sophia Rose

    Very busy lady and I loved the post title. I have never read a book by this author, but this book’s premise sounds really good.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.


  20. Katy L

    I’ve been looking forward to this book. Shiloh, I sympathize. while I’m not a writer and have no kids, I totally get the too many things to do, and haven’t seen a clean office in years. Good luck keeping all the balls you’re juggling in the air!

  21. Natalie's Mama

    Would love to win this book. Love the guy on the cover.

  22. Natalie's Mama

    Whoops, forgot me email – lovesthemets@yahoo.com

    Love the guy on the cover.

  23. ELF

    Good luck with the new release, have been waiting awhile for this one!

  24. ELF

    (sorry, don’t have a FB or Twitter account)

  25. Sarah Bibi Setar

    Haha! Loved your final point. We’d buy your books without you having to pitch it to us because we know that anything you write will have to be gold, especially if the excerpt i anything to go by. Great pot! Thank you for hosting this:)


    sarah DOT setar AT gmail DOT com

  26. Gmapeony

    I would love to try this book – havent read any of this authors yet.


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