Guest Post: Candis Terry + giveaway -

Guest Post: Candis Terry + giveaway

Today we have Candis Terry on. She is the author of a fabulous trilogy about three siblings who all return home when their mother suddenly dies, and how she influences their lives from the grave. 


First of all I want to thank The Book Reading Gals for having me here today. I’m very excited because I have a question that’s been tapping me on the head for a while now. And I need your help.

Communication is the key to everything. As a writer I know I must communicate the goals, motivations and conflicts of my characters well so that my readers will feel like they are a part of the story, not just reading words. I know I must make my characters likeable enough so that my readers will connect with more than just a beginning, middle, and end.

In SOMEBODY LIKE YOU, the third book in the Sugar Shack novels and my newest release from Avon Impulse, my heroine is Kelly Silverthorne, a tough Chicago prosecuting attorney who has just lost her very first case. She’s devastated. She wonders what she didn’t communicate to the jury to bring in a guilty verdict for a murderer. And she second-guesses herself all over the place.

Here’s a little excerpt:

The events of the past month slammed through her head as if she still stood on that courtroom floor fighting for a piece of justice that would be denied. Fighting for the rights of a woman whose life had been ripped away by a monster. A fiend now able to roam free because she hadn’t convinced the jury of his crime.

Her fault.

She’d pushed for that arrest. Pushed for an indictment with the grand jury. Pushed for a homicide case without a corpse.

Nausea and half a mountainous slice of cheesecake roiled through her stomach as she visualized the disbelief on the faces of the victim’s family when the verdict had come down. The family she’d promised a conviction.

In her mind she could still hear the collective gasp echo across the chamber walls. She heard the grief and torment in the family’s voices when they’d pointed their fingers at her and her fellow prosecutor and accused them of incompetence. Of failure.

She’d been so sure.

But she’d been wrong.

Communication is key. Which brings me to the question of the day. In our busy world of instant gratification–cell phones, iPods, eReaders, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest—what reaches out to you, the reader? How do you discover new books? New authors? How do you like best to communicate with the storytellers who write the books you read?

Like all of my fellow authors, my readers are very important to me. More than just wanting them to read my new books, I’ve developed friendships. They make me laugh when I’m down (and hopefully I return the favor). And they’ve become an essential addition to my daily life.

So what say you? How much do you like an author to interact with their readers? How do you discover new books/authors? And if you could give advice to authors about this subject, what would it be?


I’m celebrating the return to the Sugar Shack with a contest and giveaway of a Sugar Shack inspired gift basket. Please check my Facebook page for details. Contest is open to U.S. and International readers. Contest closes July 19, 2012. Winner will be announced July 20, 2012.


Website: www.candisterry.com

Twitter: @CandisTerry

Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Candis-Terry/131817443567853


Candis Terry is the author of the Sugar Shack novels—a trio of small town romances rich with memorable love stories, quirky characters, and tons of fun. Born and raised near the sunny beaches of Southern California, Candis now makes her home on an Idaho farm. She’s experienced life in such diverse ways as working in a Hollywood recording studio to chasing down wayward steers. Only one thing has remained constant: Candis’ passion for writing stories about relationships, the push and pull in the search for love, and the security one finds in their own happily ever after.

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  1. Candis Terry

    Good morning everyone! And thank you again to the Book Reading Gals–you are my kind of ladies!

    As a fairly new author, I need your help–the reader– to best give you what you need or want to see from me–the author. You are all very important and your opinions and advice matters. what reaches out to you, the reader? So here’s your chance to let me know how you discover new books, new authors. How you like best to communicate with the storytellers who write the books you read? How much do you like an author to interact with their readers? How do you discover new books/authors? And if you could give advice to authors about this subject, what would it be?

  2. Jaye Shields

    I love seeing my fav authors on facebook. It’s such an easy reminder that their new book is out, especially since book stores are dissapearing. I really admire Simone Elkeles for how deeply she stays in touch with her fans, as well as fellow writers. It’s great seeing you on fb as well!

  3. Lisa Hutson

    What a great question! How else to find out whats important to the readers? I am a big facebook user. If you post something on there, please dont just leave. No one expects you to reply to everyone. But once or twice….:-) I know writers are crazy busy. But it makes a difference to me. It even affects how I look at the books. It really does. Authors that interact, I am much more likely to buy their books. Period. I just will. Good luck to you! Conratulations, Candis!

  4. Candis Terry

    Hi Ms. Shields and Lisa! I’m glad you find FB a good avenue. It’s my favorite and has really allowed me to develop some awesome reader relationships. And I promise not to post and flee! That’s a very good point!

  5. Lisa Filipe

    I learn about new authors from recommendations from other authors that I adore, like how I learned about you Candis, from our good ole pal, Rachel Gibson. Rachel had a post on Facebook talking about this New author who is a NEED TO READ and I was like “I am there!” I am so glad I took the chance, because now I am a BIG fan and have truly enjoyed the whole Sugar Shack series and look forward to what is coming next!!

    So Facebook is a definite for me, but as a Reviewer, I think some Followers find new authors through Blogs and Review Sites, which is one of the reasons I started writing my blog. I love sharing my opinions and introducing readers to new authors or authors they hadn’t known about. Also on Amazon, and Goodreads when they share with you “Suggested Titles” or “If you liked this book, try….” I have picked up a few new authors using these tools!!

    Hope I could help!! XOXO

  6. Candis Terry

    Thanks Lisa! You’re doing a great job and authors are lucky to have you out there!

  7. Susan Clay

    I have actually been using facebook much more to connect and discover new authors. I especially love it when an author I enjoy recommends another – this has been a fun way to discover new & old reads. This is exactly how I discovered your books – a facebook author recommended one of your books – I gave it a shot and was hooked.

    Beyond the recommedations – it has been fun to get to know (remotely) some of the authors. It’s more fun to read a story if you feel a connection with the person who has written it, helps bring the author’s personality into the story telling.

  8. Sharlene Wegner

    I’m fairly new to FB & I am finding that is a great way to find out about new or different authors & new releases for the ones I know. Sometimes authors or other readers recommend books. Author websites are great, too! I am also drawn in by the book jackets when I see the books in Target or B&N. PS.Giveaways are great, too!

    1. Candis Terry

      Hi Sharlene! A lot has been mentioned here about Facebook, I’m so glad to get that feedback because as a writer who also has a full-time job I need to make the most of my social networking time. The thing I probably like the most about Facebook is that readers can comment and respond and have a little fun too! A website seems more like an information tool and I’ll admit that I need to focus a little bit more attention on mine. Thanks so much for dropping by!

  9. Candis Terry

    Great information Susan and I shall thank Rachel. I love recommending authors. I just wish I had more time to read! I do love to connect with readers & in the future I plan to have you all help me with tidbits/names of places & characters in my books. Thanks for dropping by today I truly appreciate it.

  10. Ella

    Candis- I have found some authors when buying books and being shown what others bought with it at times, but primarily it has been authors on FB giving shout outs to other authors. That’s how I heard about you a few months back! I really enjoy the interaction and you are really good at keeping things fresh and fun.

    1. Candis Terry

      Thanks so much Ella! Before I became published I heard so much how a writer’s voice was what was really important. There is so much of me in my books (okay not the sexy parts!) and you can probably tell from my FB posts, I’m just kind of out there having a good time. At a slumber party I was always the last one to go to sleep because I didn’t want to miss out!

      I buy a lot of new authors by browsing the stores so when I agreed to the e-book coming out first I was really worried no one would discover me. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be discovered by y’all! And if I could I’d give each and every one a great big hug! Please stay in touch okay?


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