Today we have Erin Kellison on talking about character eureka and her new book Fire Kissed which if you haven’t bought it yet you must because OMG Jack Bastian is one AMAZING hero.In case you missed it we did a Sunday Snippet with him which you can find here. She is also giving away a copy of Fire Kissed so leave her a comment about who your favorite hero is and why?
Eureka moment: Jack Bastian of Fire Kissed
First of all, a tremendous thank you for hosting me here today to my good friends of The Book Reading Gals, who I met at RomCon when my first book was about to release. Big hugs. And as a thank you to readers stopping by I’m offering up a copy (print or e) of Fire Kissed, book one in my Shadow Kissed series. All you have to do is tell me one of your favorite heroes and why.
“Although historically I’m your mortal enemy…today, I’m your prospective employer, Jack Bastian.”
I was driving down Val Vista Road at night. It was very dark and empty, and I was thinking about the hero of the book I was working on, Jack Bastian of Fire Kissed. I already had the heroine in mind and I needed a man who could match her, temper her, and fight with her.
I knew he was going to be an angel of what I call “The Order” because she was going to be a reckless, wild mage who could wield fire. The simple fact of what each of them were would provide a lot of the conflict of the book.
And since he is sent to hire her, he needed to be an angel in good standing, believing in his cause and unlikely to set aside who he was for a woman, and certainly not a mage woman.
So I was driving down Val Vista, about to make the turn for home, when I suddenly got an image of Jack caught in the moment of falling. He was arrested in the air, arms outstretched, legs buckled. It was the moment that his world falls apart—what writers call the black moment. The black moment is essential to every character arc; it’s when everything the character hoped for, worked for, and needed appears to be completely unattainable. I felt Jack’s confusion and heartbreak, and I knew exactly how I was going to write him. When I pulled up to my house, I was energized, grinning, and confident. Torturing a good man sometimes does that to me.
“The trouble with being an angel on Earth was that he was still a man. And for this woman, the only one in a thousand years, his body and soul ached.”
Rest assured, he makes out pretty okay in the end as well.
All right, contest time: Who are your favorite heroes and why?
Fae Fire
It is Kaye Brand’s power to wield. But outcast from her kind, she’s been selling herself to the highest bidder – money for her survival in exchange for a magic glimpse into the flames of the future.
Angel Ice
One of the angelic Order, Jack Bastian has no use for a female like Kaye, as provocative and unexpected as her blazing beauty. Yet he has no choice but to hire her to uncover the secrets of his sworn enemy and her former fiance, Ferrol Grey.
War is inevitable between the defenders of the Order and the mage Houses who threaten to engulf the world in Shadow. For Jack, mage-born Kaye is off limits, no matter how hot the impossible attraction between them. But in the coming darkness, beset by danger and desire, everything is about to change…
For excerpts and more information, please come find me at:
Erin’s website:
I love Jamie from Diane Gabaldon’s OUTLANDER series– because he love s his woman and fights for her
i enjoyed the post. sounds like a good book with a worthy hero. ive got too many heroes i like from a long range of books. theres some i still like from the 80s historicals and lately theres too many good heroes in immortals, shifters and dragons. so im going with my first love tarzan, he was my first hero. i was young and thought he was the perefect man, in being brave, good body and honourable the perfect alpha male. the hero of my dreams.
My favorite hero that I can think of is Judd from Nalini Singh’s Psy/Changeling series.
My fav hero is Curran from Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels series – he isnt really angsty, but hes hot and sarcastic LOL – hes real…I love it.
I love two that always come to mind with this question:
1) Adam Hauptman from the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. He is an alpha werewolf who protects Mercy, even though she is a coyote in his turf. He is honorable and has a bit of a temper.
2) Ian MacKenzie from the Highland Pleasures series by Jennifer Ashley. He is considered mad by society because he has Asperger’s and has to work through that for his HEA.
Thank you Erin for your post! I love your books! I love the world you weave and the characters. You have a way with making us LOVE your characters!
Thank you again!
My favorite hero is Jilly from Charles de Lint’s Newford series and especially Dream’s Underfoot and the Onion Girl. I admire the trials she has gone through and how she helps others to find what is special in life.
You book sounds like one I would enjoy reading. Thanks.
My favorite hero is Cade from Kresley Cole’s Immortal After Dark series. I loved him right from the beginning, when he was only a secondary character. Then his book came along and I was not disappointed: he is handsome and strong and, more importantly, caring and protective in the best possible way. For me, he’s just a perfect man (or a perfect demon!).
Thank you for the post. Imagination is a tricky thing, it can come at any time. “Fire kissed” sounds really great.
(No facebook and twitter accounts.)
Superb excerpt choice. Fire Kissed souds like a fantastic read. Thanksfor the giveaway.
My hero of the moment, obviously it changes regularly depending what book I’ve been sucked into, is Damon from the self-titled ‘Damon’ by Teresa Gabelman. He’s a protector, is a wee bit complicated, but goes above and beyond to protect.
In the day, before the world of books took over I’d have to say Indiana Jones <3
"I hate snakes"
Roarke from the In Death series and Bones from the Night Huntress series. Both are strong characters that have quite a history behind them. But they still have and show character growth.
love all julie garwood’s hero especially highlander story, although the hero usual is arrogant, possesif, protectif but they always care and had a gentle heart
My Favorite hero is usually the one I am currently reading so that being the case I love Erik Blackwell in Felicity Heaton’s “In Heat”
My favorite hero actually varies from day to day because I read a book a day and my mood for an individual hero is defined to some degree by who / what I am currently reading or just read. I just read a couple of MC Beaton’s with Hamish Macbeth, so he is it. He is so real, definitely flawed, but you just have to adore him.
One of my favorite heroes is Curran from Ilona Andrews, Kate Daniel and then o/c Roarke from Nora Roberts – yum.
I am excited to read Fire Kissed !!!