Passion on the Page: Getting Hot & Heavy with Elle James & Jessa Slade
People who don’t read romance (those poor fools; they don’t know what they’re missing!) often joke with romance writers about how we do our “research” wink-wink, nudge-nudge. We usually just smile knowingly and then roll our eyes as we complain to our reader and writer friends that nobody ever asks mystery writers about how many people they’ve killed. But admittedly, writing hot love scenes like the ones in our January Harlequin Nocturne Cravings — Elle James’ THE WITCH’S SEDUCTION and Jessa Slade’s A LITTLE NIGHT MUSE — requires a certain amount of inspiration and perspiration.
Elle’s Thoughts:
One of the things I like most about writing for Nocturne is that I can write hotter, more passionate love scenes than the other lines I write at Harlequin. The situations can be very intense and it stands to reason the passions run high and hot. I’m glad I don’t have to hold back writing those incredibly sexy scenes that get the reader’s blood boiling. And it’s all about the fantasy and escaping into another world. Not only do I get to explore a different way of life, but some of my favorite sexual fantasies. Who wouldn’t want to make love to a man or woman with supernatural powers? Okay, now I’m thinking of the move my Super Ex-Girlfriend. Maybe not a good example…
Jessa’s Thoughts:
For me, love scenes are one of the hardest (ha, punny!) — and most important — parts of writing a romance. I’ve had people (and by “people,” I mean my grandmother) ask why I need to write THOSE KIND of scenes. “Everybody already knows how it’s done!” say certain people (a.k.a. my grandmother).
But a good love scene is more than breathless passion. (Although of course breathless passion is a must!) Love scenes are the best time for revelations. Not only do clothes come off, so do inhibitions and secrets. In my Steel Born stories, the dark fey have trouble holding onto their glamour when they are skin to skin, but I think that’s true of all of us. In those most intimate moments, we’re sharing our most intimate selves. Because what is the deepest expression of love besides the desire that our lovers will still want us after we reveal our truest selves?
What’s your favorite love scene? Got a favorite setting or prop? In a book, silly! Comment for a chance to win a download of WITCH’S CURSE by Myla Jackson aka Elle James and the first ebook in Jessa Slade’s Steel Born series, DARK HUNTER’S TOUCH.
About the Authors:
Elle James aka Myla Jackson spent twenty years livin’ and lovin’ in South Texas, ranching horses, cattle, goats, ostriches and emus. A former IT professional, Elle is proud to be writing full-time, penning intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edge of their seats. She has 31 works with Harlequin, self published works under pen name Elle James, over 40 works with other publishers including Samhain, Elloras’ Cave, Kensington and Avon and 18 works self-published under pen name Myla Jackson. Now living in northwest Arkansas, she isn’t wrangling cattle, she’s wrangling her muses, a malti-poo and yorkie. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, out snow-skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories.
Elle James
Deme Chattox is eager to return home and start her new job on the Chicago PD’s paranormal task force. As a witch, she’s got special insight into the city’s supernatural underworld. And as an added bonus, her partner is also her lover, Cal Black.
Deme can’t wait to pick up where their off-the-charts chemistry left off, but she senses a change in Cal. Though the sex is hotter than ever, she doesn’t need mystical powers to know there’s something he’s not telling her. Something that threatens their budding relationship, and their latest case…
Jessa Slade writes paranormal romance, urban fantasy romance, and science fiction romance. Basically, anything with woo-woo and woo-hoo! She lives in the Pacific Northwest where the rain rain rain rain keeps her at her computer all day and all night. Jessa can be found online in all the usual haunts: Website, Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads
<image cover Little-Night-Muse.jpg>
Jessa Slade
Convicted of treason, Adelyn has been banished to the sunlit realm of humans—a fate worse than death for a musetta who exists only to inspire other phae. To reverse her exile, she must find a pair of lovers who have fled the court and return them to face the Queen’s wrath. But once in the mortal realm, she meets a man who unveils her hidden desires…
When Josh Reimer discovers an ethereal beauty at a cabin near his ranch, he decides the neighborly thing to do is take her in. Adelyn inspires a passion unlike anything he’s ever known and he vows not to lose the magic they’ve found together—even if that means she must choose between her home and their love.Rafflecopter giveaway with Prize Totes of books and goodies!
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I can’t think of a favorite scene (I just woke up), but I do appreciate when the scenes are well written and flow naturally. I will have to check into some of the above named books and add to my ever growing TBR list
Rosie, LOL what better time to think of a love scene! Ah yes, the TBR mountain. I know it well. Happy reading!
Holy crap Jessa those are HOT covers…I think they’re your hottest covers to date.
Thanks! And don’t the covers look purty together, all green and purple? Anyway, the heroines look enthralled!
I’d like to thank the gals at The Book Reading Gals for inviting us out to play on their blog. Thanks, ladies! And yes, the covers are amazing. Frauke of Crocodesign is the artist and she does wonderful work.
And Rosie, my TBR list is crazy! Thanks for stopping by to comment!
I didn’t know Frauke was the designer! Elle, I’m learning so much from you on this tour
I think the covers are so hot.
Hmm… I like lots of scenes from Sylvia Day’s Bared to you. That was a great book. The scenes were hot and the storyline was great.
Whenever anybody gets snarky about 50 Shades, I always send them to Sylvia Day and say, read this, then judge
Don’t have a favorite one. Like the ones in Lisa Kleypas’ books.
Those are always good! And she has a new one out soon, right? More good stuff
I think it depends on the book but I like it when nothing is planned and it just happens.
Tammy, from a writer point of view, that’s always fun because sometimes WE don’t now it’s going to happen!
I just bought The Witch’s Seduction. Can’t wait to read it.
Linda, don’t forget to find the first book with Deme and Cal too!
I have a few love scenes that I love. In Lauren Dane’s book Laid Bare, the first time that Erin and Todd invite Ben to be with them is really endearing and hot. That’s one of my favorite books ever. As far as toys, I like it when characters use toys that fit the situation. Like a little bondage or whatever. In Laid Bare, Todd and Erin are still figuring out what works for their relationship. I like that Todd surprises Erin with a nipple chain. It really works for those characters. jepebATverizonDOTnet
Mathlady68, I haven’t written a lot of toy scenes. A lot of times my hero and heroine are on the run and don’t have a lot of luggage LOL!
Favorite love scenes. I think it’s probably the ones that have the most emotion leading up t that point. Especially when they try to fight their attraction to one another. Hot and Heavy is another.
Carol L.