Interview with debut author Siobhan Muir -

Interview with debut author Siobhan Muir

One of the things I enjoy best about being a reviewer is introducing readers to new authors. Siobhan Muir is a brand new author and her debut book Her Devoted Vampire came out in February. I thought it would be fun to have her on and introduce her to you our readers.

TBRG: Thank Siobhan for coming on today to talk about your book.

SM: Thank you for having me today. 🙂

TBRG: Who has been the biggest influence on your writing?

SM: When I started writing, I loved fantasy and science fiction, so my first few stories were influenced by Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey. But as I’ve matured, my own voice and stories have come out and I’ve run with them.

TBRG: What is the one thing your readers would be the most surprised to know about you?

SM: I got my master’s degree in Paleontology.

TBRG: Where is the one place you have always wanted to go, a place on your bucket list?

SM: New Zealand

TBRG: What was the first romance book that you read?

SM: Oh dear, it has been so long. I think it was Penelope and Prince Charming by Jennifer Ashley. It was the perfect blending of fantasy (magic) and romance.

TBRG: Who are some of your go to authors, and what are you reading right now?

SM: Go-to authors are Kate Pearce, Gaelen Foley, Monica McCarty, Cara Michaels. Right now I’m reading Make Me Sweat by Avril Ashton and the anthology SEAL of my Dreams.

TBRG: If you weren’t writing and keeping us in books (thanks for that by the way), what would you be doing?

SM: LOL reading, and studying dead things for paleo research. 🙂

TBRG: What is your guilty pleasure?

SM: Chocolate wine – two of the best things combined.

TBRG: Who is on your playlist when you are writing?

SM: Anything that can get my heart pumping: Lady Gaga, Phil Collins, Sting, Annie Lennox, The Verve, and Five For Fighting.

TBRG: Where do your ideas/characters come from?

SM: Mostly, they come from dreams, but sometimes they come from wondering what I’d do in a certain situation. I have a dragon shifter story coming where the heroine has to deal with being a virgin sacrifice and she is trying to find a way to get out of it. 😉

TBRG: Are you a planner or a fly by the seat author?

SM: A little bit of both. I often outline my dream or idea, and then see where the story goes as I write it.

TBRG: How did you come up with this story?

SM: I got this idea from my husband who told me he didn’t read romance because it was unrealistic. So I wrote him a vampire tale that would interest him. Now he likes it. 🙂

TBRG: Will this book be part of a series?

SM: Not a series per se, but it is the world-introduction to almost all my paranormal romance stories coming out. You might even see Fredrick and Bridget mentioned again in future stories. 😉

TBRG: Tell us about Her Devoted Vampire.

SM: Bridget Shanahan is an ex-Catholic who doesn’t believe in anything mystical at all. So when she gets kidnapped (at least in her mind) by the sexiest man she’s ever met, and he claims he’s a vampire, she thinks he’s lost his mind. Especially when he tells her he thinks she’s the Avatar of the Goddess.

Fredrick MacGregor has never had to prove what he is to anyone before and he’d only brought Bridge home to protect her. When she isn’t impressed, he’s caught completely flatfooted, especially because it’s his job to protect the Avatars of the Goddess.

Match made in heaven, eh? 😉

TBRG: What do you want us to know about Fredrick? About Bridget?

SM: Fredrick hates cilantro – I empathize. 🙂 Bridget loves to read romance. Go figure. 🙂

TBRG: Using 3-5 adjectives describe Fredrick and Bridget?

SM: Fredrick is predatory, determined, and devoted, if a little clumsy in his application of his protection.

Bridget is smart, strong-willed, and lonely, but she fights for what she believes in.

TBRG: What are you working on now?

SM: Actually, I have a new release coming out in May from Siren Publishing, tentatively titled Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack, a werewolf tale, and I’m editing the two dragon shifter stories and hope to have them out this year as well.

Thank you so much for having me here. It has been a pleasure. 🙂

Facebook: http://facebook.com/Official.Siobhan.Muir

Twitter: http://twitter.com/SiobhanMuir

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5760938.Siobhan_Muir

Website: http://siobhanmuir.com

Blog: http://siobhanmuir.blogspot.com

Her Devoted Vampire

Bridget doesn’t believe in vampires or werewolves, but that doesn’t stop one from kidnapping her.

BRIDGET SHANAHAN’S life seems bleak and boring until she gets mugged and abducted from her favorite coffee shop by the sexiest man she’s ever met. Unfortunately, he’s a lunatic who believes he’s some kind of vampire savior surrounded by a security force of werewolves and he’s determined to keep her.

FREDRICK MACGREGOR has been having visions of this woman in danger for the last six months, a woman he must protect because she’s the Avatar of the Goddess. However, when he brings her home, she doesn’t believe he’s a vampire or that she is the Avatar, and she definitely doesn’t want to stay. But the sense of danger persists and he’ll do anything to keep her safe, even if it means risking the loss of the only woman who brings light and color to his endless life.

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1 Comment

  1. Siobhan Muir

    Thanks again for having me. 🙂


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