Here at The Book Reading Gals we love Vivian Arend…and not just because she gets Heather in trouble and sends her naughty pictures she refuses to share with us, but because she writes books that leaving us craving more. In celebration of her new release High Risk she’s sharing some of her amazing world travels.
Huge congrats with you being with Berkeley Vivian! I remember reading your books right from your debut (and dearly love the werewolves) . What inspired you to write this series and this genre? Will you still be writing the sizzling ebooks? (I’m assuming the Berkeley book is more of the lighter side of romance or can we expect the same intensity of your romance in your ebooks?). Love the pics of your travels! My health hasn’t allowed me but your photos are breathtaking! Again, so thrilled for you! Cathie
I know you! ((hugs))
Thanks, Caffey. I’ve loved writing this new series, and while it’s for a new publisher, it’s still me on the other side of the keyboard. This is a hot book, and very emotional, just with some suspense twists.
I will be continuing my digital first books as well–the Six Pack Ranch and the Takhini Wolves still have more books to go at Samhain, so look for them as well, but this was a lovely chance to reach out to people who are print lovers first and foremost. With a paperback book AND digital book, HIGH RISK is available to everyone.
And thanks for your excitement. I love that!
Looks like a lovely place to visit
Hi Vivian ((hugs)) Love those Six Pack Ranch and the Granite Lake Wolves and the Takhini Wolves and…I do love to chat about your books. Just read Heather (I believe that’s her name here) review and love the intensity of the romance of Marcus and Rebecca is in your. NY, these books! Love that theyare reunited! Thanks for all you do for us readers!
Cathiecaffey @gmail. com