Guest Post: Why Duke's are so SEXY by Shana Galen + giveaway -

Guest Post: Why Duke’s are so SEXY by Shana Galen + giveaway

We are excited to have Shana back on the blog today talking about Why Duke’s are so darn sexy. We are also giving away a copy of When You Give A Duke A Diamond, so make sure a leave a note telling us why you think Duke’s are so sexy. Contest is open to US and Canada only.

Why Dukes are So Sexy 

It’s not hard to determine what women find sexy these dates. Just peruse Pinterest or Facebook, and you’ll see lots of pictures of men pinned or posted by women and labeled as “eye candy.” I suppose it’s only fair, as men have been ogling women for centuries, but I would argue that the interest of the fairer sex in male beauty is a rather new development. And I would further argue that money and power trump appearance any day.

Walk the romance aisles of any bookstore, and you’ll see a plethora of books with “duke” in the title. This is because, as my editor says, dukes sell. Women want to read about dukes. I’m a woman, and I want to read about dukes, too. But before my recent release, When You Give a Duke a Diamond, I’d never written about a duke.

(Yes, dear readers, Julien Harcourt in The Making of a Duchess was a duke, but he was a French duc. His title was revoked during the French Revolution. He was a duc living in England without lands or power, so he doesn’t really count.)

There were several reasons I chose to write about a duke in When You Give a Duke a Diamond. First of all, dukes are sexy. Remember those aisles in the romance section chock full of duke books? Why do dukes sell? Because a man with power is sexy to women. This isn’t only true historically. Look at Fifty Shades of Grey. The “hero” in that novel is powerful, and that’s part of his appeal. Dukes also have a title, and titles are sexy. Titles make us think of royalty, which conjures images of country houses, jewels, horse-drawn carriages and the like. It’s romantic. It’s sigh-worthy. Titles make a man sexy, and no one save the King has more titles than a duke.

But I’d argue there’s yet another reason dukes are sexy. They can be choosy. They are sought after, and they can choose any woman they want, for the most part. It’s sexy to think that a man who can have anyone wants you. In When You Give a Duke a Diamond, the hero, William the sixth Duke of Pelham does not want the heroine, Juliette. He has his family honor and illustrious family history to think of. She is a courtesan and not an acceptable mate for him. He doesn’t want to fall in love with her, and she doesn’t want to fall in love with him. After all, he’s a bit of a prig, and she likes to have fun.

But she can’t deny that Will is sexy, and for Juliette it’s a lot more than power or rank or money. There’s another part of Will she falls in love with…

I’ve heard it remarked that while there were only a handful of eligible dukes during the actual Regency era, fiction would have us believe there were thousands upon thousands. Why do you think readers love to read about dukes? Do you enjoy heroes who are dukes or have you tired of them?


Praise for Shan Galen:

“Galen pulls out all the stops…will leave readers breathless and highly satisfied.” —RT Book Reviews


He had a perfectly orderly life…

William, the sixth Duke of Pelham, enjoys his punctual. securely structured life. Orderly and predictable—that’s the way he likes it. But he’s in the public eye, and the scandal sheets will make up anything to sell papers. When the gossips link him to Juliette, one of the most beautiful and celebrated courtesans in London, chaos doesn’t begin to describe what happens next…


Until She Came Along

Juliette is nicknamed the Duchess of Dalliance, and has the cream of the nobility at her beck and call. It’s seriously disruptive to have the duke who’s the biggest catch on the Marriage Mart scaring her other suitors away. Then she discovers William’s darkest secret and decides what he needs in his life is the kind of excitement only she can provide…



SHANA GALEN is the bestselling author of Regency historicals, including the RT Book Reviews Reviewer’s Choice for The Making of a Gentleman. A former English teacher in Houston’s inner city, Shana now writes full time. She is happily married, with one daughter and a spoiled cat.  If You Give a Rake a Ruby, the next exciting book in the Jewels of the Ton Series, hits stores in March 2013. For more information please visit www.shanagalen.com, like her on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter, @ShanaGalen.


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  1. Elizabeth H.

    I think Dukes are sexy because they have that alpha male thing going on and it makes my knees weak! Thanks for the post and the chance to win!
    ehaney578 at aol dot com

    1. Shana Galen

      Elizabeth, they are definitely the alpha males. I can’t imagine all the responsibility!

  2. Kanriah

    I have to agree with all of your reasons why Dukes are sexy. But it also comes down to how our other characters see him. I’ve read series where in the first book the duke was Eh, but he want awful. He was eh since he wasn’t the right guy for our girl. The Second book we have a girl who Is right for him & somehow he gets to be sexier. He’s hot & powerful but she is what really makes it clear what a catch he is.

    1. Shana Galen

      Kanriah, that makes complete sense. I love it when I don’t like a character in one book and the author manages to make him or her really likeable in the next book. It impresses me!

  3. Shana Galen

    Thanks for having me today! I’ll be in and out all day to respond to comments 🙂

  4. Maria D.

    Who can resist the powerful man in the society (Prinny not included :D)? I can’t really explain it but every time I read a book and the hero is a duke, it’s like the authority and power that he exudes radiates towards me. Like he can get what he wants, whatever he likes and pleases with just a snap of a finger. 😀

    1. Shana Galen

      Maria, that’s well put. I agree completely! And no, Prinny was not at all attractive.

  5. laurie g

    for me what makes a duke sexy (if he is well written) for me is that he’s a strong sexy alpha male who looks after his lady!


    1. Shana Galen

      Laurie, I think protectiveness is always sexy.

  6. rosalina rusli

    why dukes are sexy, because he is a duke, he has the power the looks the wealth *lol* and everything than no one else has, except if he is a duke.
    oohh i sooo love dukes, if i can find one 🙂

    1. Shana Galen

      It is a lot to do with power and wealth, isn’t it, Rosalina? Also exclusivity. Not many men are born dukes.

  7. Pam Brewer


    I love regency romances, it is fun to escape into a world I would never get to experience. I love to read about those Dukes because most are written about alpha men who are smart, rich and likable (in the end) – even those that are more beta and nerdy are fun to read – they are all sexy.

    Thanks for the chance

    1. Shana Galen

      Pam, I love your caveat about the alpha men being likeable in the end. They’re not always nice at first, are they?

  8. Sheryl nyary

    I like reading about Dukes. Who doesn’t like a hot, rich & titled guy? He is the alpha male staking his claim and he is sexy as he does it.

    1. Shana Galen

      Sheryl, yes! Thatnk you. That sums it up exactly. The title makes it even sexier because not just anyone can be titled.

  9. Michel King

    I think Dukes are sexy because the allure of any man in the gentry revolves around chivalry. In that level of society, you have specific rules by which you must conduct yourself, particularly around women. And, what woman on earth really doesn’t want a man to bow to her? Open the door for her? Stand when she walks into or leaves a room? All of the manners that are vital to that position are swoon worthy to every modern woman, but hardly ever seen. It is an old world respect that we all secretly, or not so secretly as the case may be, long for.

    1. Shana Galen

      Michel, very good point. I think this is why a lot of readers read historicals too. We miss the gentlemen of the past and the chivalry.

  10. May

    I think it’s because of the power and alpha attitude of the dukes…. But also the supposed honour of the dukes…

    1. Shana Galen

      May, exactly! I had Will think a lot about family honor and duty. It was very important and still is.

  11. Tanya

    Love Love historical romances and Dukes especially. They are all sexy in their very own unique way just like everyone else here said….sign oh sorry I got lost there for a minute lol…sexy, strong, rich, the list goes on and on :0)

    1. Shana Galen

      Tanya, feel free to get lost. We’ll wait until you’re back. I’ve never written a duke as a hero before, so it’s so interesting to read why everyone likes them so much.

  12. Jennifer L

    I love historicals with Dukes! They’re so sexy because they are just a step below the royals.

  13. Shana Galen

    Very true. Not many men are dukes. They are special, right, Jennifer?

  14. TBRG (Post author)

    Thanks everyone for coming by, and a special thank you to Shana. I have to admit there is just something special about a Duke.

    1. Shana Galen

      I agree, and thanks for having me!

  15. Erica Monroe

    I do really think it’s the power thing–the Duke usually has a ridiculous amount of wealth at his fingertips, and he’s been trained to command, to open doors just with his name alone. There’s something irresistible about that much power.

    1. Shana Galen

      Erica, I tend to agree. It’s also the title. There’s something romantic about that title.

  16. Danni T

    Duke’s are the sexiest because the usually very alpha. I love how aristocratic they are. They’re definitely the top dogs.


    1. Shana Galen

      Danni, they are very aristocratic. They usually have ancestral estates they have to manage and oversee. I love those old stately homes.

  17. bn100

    I like reading about dukes. I think it’s for the reasons you give.

    1. Shana Galen

      I actually liked writing about a duke, bn100. I may have to do it again!

  18. Robin D

    The reasons you list are exactly what is appealing about a duke – rich, sexy, powerful, and since he can have anyone, being wanted by him makes you feel good!

    robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Shana Galen

      Robin, that’s exactly it. I think most of us read romance for the fantasy, and dukes seem like they are the ultimate fantasy,

  19. Texas Book Lover

    I think it is all the power and confidence that comes with the Duke title. They can’t help but be sexy!

    1. Shana Galen

      Texas Book Lover, confidence is very sexy! I agree!


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