Happy Thanksgiving -

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all..

It is now Thursday night, Mike is at work (no rest for law enforcement), the dishes have been done, 2 yes 2 turkey’s have been consumed, the parade has been watched as well 4 Christmas movies, the boys are in bed and I am off to the showers because I have to be to work at 4am because of those insane people that love to shop Black Friday.

My favorite time of year has officially started…in case you couldn’t tell by my Christmas background.

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  1. Heather

    You have been tagged with the bookworm award by me.


    Now its your turn to tag someone else.

  2. Heather

    I forgot the s in my url…


  3. bookworm2009

    Well Thank you little late, still trying to find my way around here lol, Well i’m cut off from my books right but i had to return then because of being in the hospital and being sick. They where only 14day loans so i have to wait to get them back sucks you have yourself a good day
    jenn 🙂


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